This year I decided to pray over each child I saw represented on - TopicsExpress


This year I decided to pray over each child I saw represented on Facebook on their first days back to school. This is my prayer for your children. Please join me in prayer coverage for all our precious ones as they head back to school. God Bless! Dear Holy Spirit, As the children leave for school, I pray that they might Open their hearts and minds to their teachers and their textbooks And see learning not as a chore but as an unending adventure. Keep them from distractions and help them focus their attention on what is important May they discover in school the special talents and skill they have to spur them on into a future of wide possibilities. Help them to grow in knowledge that is tempered by wisdom and humility. May they not be afraid to ask questions and seek answers. May they always be questers following their inner voice. Keep them from the idol of certainty and the arrogance of pride in intellectual achievement. May they find friends who are loyal and cherish them. May they always be kind to their classmates in a spirit of love and respect especially from those who are very different from them. Let them be justice seekers and meaning makers who are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in or to speak out for those who are in need of kindness and hope. We beg of You to send Your Spirit to watch over our children. Guard them with peace and protection that they might nourish and nurture the best that is in them. Dear Holy Spirit, in these uncertain times, we beg you to place a hedge of protection around each and every student. Protect them from harm. Cast out your angels around our children as they journey to and from school, as well as in school itself. These are our babies, temporary gifts Youve entrusted us with, and we know that You love them in a way that we cant even understand. Please show them mercy, grace and favor! In Your Most Holy Precious Name, AMEN PS...feel free to tag your childs name on this. I want every child covered In prayer.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 13:24:02 +0000

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