This year I truly learned too feel for those of you who live with - TopicsExpress


This year I truly learned too feel for those of you who live with chronic pain. Ive Always been healthy...usually once a year sickness in the Fall & thats about it. In July I went for my physical. I had debilitating pain in my elbow (turned out to be tennis elbow & ive been going to PT which is working for that) I was very limited in the use of my right arm and still am. I was also told my cholesterol was high and dr put me on medication. Between July & now my entire body started to ache everyday. My joints hurt terribly. I made them test me for lyme cause this was not normal. Came back negative & they told me to continue PT. I had to go to PT before the insurance will do MRI etc. In the past month its gotten so bad i would constantly say to Deric I swear this is what arthritis feels like...I think I have arthritis. Awful pain and really has affected my life this year. Finally on Friday it was so bad I stayed home. Called my Dr & said ive been going to therapy & this is awful I want to be tested for Arthritis NOW!!! She tells me to stop the cholesterol medicine immediately cause it can cause side effects that are like rheumatoid arthritis. Wow!!! Are you freakin kidding me??? Telling me this now and not when I started taking it! I cant even freakin believe that!!! I should have thoroughly researched it ive just never been on anything except regular antibiotics. I cant wait for those pills to get out of my system. I better go back to normal!! So be careful if they try to put you on those meds. If I had ever known I could have just worked to lower it naturally :(
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 00:10:14 +0000

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