This year Phoebe and I are having a Christmas at our home. Merry - TopicsExpress


This year Phoebe and I are having a Christmas at our home. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to my friends & family, Myra & Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis, Lee, Mom & JW Brown, Rusty, Brandy Simmons , Scot Simmons my new friends in Lynchburg and my old friends everywhere, Christopher Charles Pollard and Mary Alice Petch-Pollard, Mary Jo Pritchett, JamesAnd HettieLott Ruby James Stephen Cooper Robert John and his new wife Lori Moody John (present on the way soon,) Sue Buckles Wendy Morgan Maria Daines Nina Postleawite Jenks Willie, Kris and Lisa, Chelle Rose , Carolyn Rose, Henryk Fantazos, and the others that I can not possibly name all here. I know I have been scarce around here and in the real world but I have been fighting for what is right. And most of all my beautiful wife Phoebe Lewis who I love more than anything on this earth. And to all of your dogs/cats/horses/etc. and ours both here and gone. This is going to be my year, I read it in a fortune cookie so it has to be true. May 2015 be your year too. Forgive me for not calling you all out by name. Know that the thought is there, please.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 16:43:58 +0000

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