This year Syllabus for "NCC CDT"......dts read nd - TopicsExpress


This year Syllabus for "NCC CDT"......dts read nd writeeee.......... 1. Ncc Acive - 16 april 1948 to Pesent 2. Role - Ncc Student Uniformed Goup 3. Size -1,300,000 4. Head Quarters -DG NCC, R.K puram, New Delhi 5. Motto- Unity and Dicipine 6. Director-Lieutenant General PS Bhalla, 7. General- PVSM, AVSM ORGANISATION 1.The NCC organization is administered through the MOD. The Defence Secretary ……is overall in-charge, who is responsible to the Govt, of India for efficient functioning of the NCC and other matters…… 2. The NCC is headed by Director General (DG), an Army Officer of the rank of Lieutenant General, who is responsible for the functioning of the NCC in the country …… through the Dte Gen NCC situated at Delhi. The DG at the Dte Gen NCC is assisted by two Additional Directors General (ADsG), one Major General from the Army and the other a Rear Admiral from the Navy or an Air Vice Marshal from the Air Force…There are five Deputy Directors General (DDsG) of the rank of Brigadier and equivalent……..three Brigadiers and one Commodore/Air Commodore and one civilian officer….. 3. At the state level, the country has been divided into 17 Directorates (Dtes) covering all States and Union Territories. These Dtes are headed by an officer of the rank of Brigadier or its equivalent from the other two Services….. Each of the State NCC Dte controls two to fourteen Group Headquarters (Gp HQ), headed by an officer of the rank of Colonel or its equivalent….. In all there are 95 Gp HQs in the country..who exercise control over a network of 657 Army Wing Units (including Technical and Girls’ Unit)….. 59 Naval Wing Units and 58 Air Squadrons. Details of NCC Dte’s and Gp HQs are given in Appendix ‘A’ & ‘B’ respectively. The NCC unit is commanded by a Lt Col/ Col (TS) or equivalent. In addition the NCC has two training establishments- Officers Training School (OTS), Kamptee (near Nagpur) and Women Officers Training School (WOTS)Gwalior where professors and teachers from colleges and schools are specially trained to impart training to the cadets as Associate NCC Officers (ANOs)……. 1.‘ Squad Savdhan’ (Squad Attention) - (a) Heels together and in line, feet turned out equally forming an angle of 30 degrees, knees straight without stiffness, hips level and drawn back slightly, body erect and resting equally on hips, chest lifted and arched shoulders square, falling equally and neck filling the collar. (b) Head erect and square to the front, chin vertical and eyes straight to the front. (c) Weight of the body resting equally on the heels and the toe of the feet…… 2. ‘Vishram’ (Stand at Ease)— Carry left foot 12 inches to the left ; place the weight of the body on both feet. While doing the movement raise the foot 6 inches from the ground. Simultaneously both the hands will be taken behind the back, through shortest route, the right hand over the left with open palms facing out-words, thumbs interlocked. Turning…. 3. ‘Dahine Mur’ (Right Turn)-- Turning both knees straight, turn 90 degrees right on the right heel and left toe, raising the right toe and left heel in doing so keep weight of the body on the right foot. Bring the left foot into the right by lifting the foot 6 inches clear of the ground. In all turns, keep the weight of the body on the forward foot. 4. ‘Pichhe Mur’ (About Turn). Turn 180 degrees, bracing the legs and maintaining the balance by locking the thighs together. The about turn is always made right about. Saluting at the Halt- 1. General. Saluting at the halt, to the front and to a flank is taught ‘by numbers’. 2.To permit free movements, it is best practiced with the squad in open order and inclined diagonally. Salute to the Front 3. ‘ Ginti se salute, Samne salute ek’, ‘Saluting by number, salute to the front-one’. The right arm kept straight, raised sideways until it is horizontal, palm of the hand to the front, fingers extending, thumb close to the forefinger. 4. ‘Squad do’ (Squad two). Keeping the upper arm still, hand and wrist straight, bend elbow until the fore finger tip on the right hand is one inch above the right eye. Points to note are:- (a) Upper arm horizontal and at the right angles to the side, forearm, wrist and fingers all in one straight line. (b) Palm of the hand vertical. 5. ‘Squad teen’ (Squad three). Return to position of attention cut the shortest way to the side by dropping the elbow to the front, fingers curled up on the way down. When judging the time, the hand will remain at the position of the salute for a regulation pause. The word of command, will be ‘Samne Salute’ (Salute to the front). Avoid saluting movement before actual halt and avoid speaking before completing the final movement. Salute to the Flank (Right and Left) 6. ‘Dahine ko Salute’ (Salute to the right). Best taught from the position of the salute to the front. Cadet takes his position of the salute to the front. He turns his head eyes square off to the right and without upsetting position of the right arm, wrist or hand, shifts the head so that right eye can just look along the palm of the hand. The cadet either looks along his own height or into the eyes of the officer he is saluting.all action are same except that cadet turns his/her head to the le Getting on Parade 7. Squad forms up in three ranks, on the end of the parade ground facing in the direction , to be on parade. The right guide or right hand man acts as right maker. 8. On the command ‘Dahine’ (Right) come properly to ease, on the command ‘Darshak’ (Marker) the right marker comes to attention, marches in quick time 15 paces straight to his front (a lesser distance if space not enough) halts and stands at ease. 9. ‘Parade-Par’ (Get on Parade). Marker and squad come to attention. The squad marches forward to their front, halt on the 15th pace, dress automatically, look to the front and stand at ease, a regulation pause will be made between each movement. Salute to the Right Fig-5 Salute to the Left 82 Dismissing and Falling Out 10. ‘Visarjan’ (Dismiss) Turn to the right, salute, (If an officer/JCO is present on parade) pause and then step off. (Ensure squad is in close order). When marching independently, keep in step until clear off the parade ground. 11. ‘Line Tor’, Falling out does not signify the end of the parade, but only a break in it. It is different from Visarjan in the following points:- (a) Salute is not given. (b) Cadets falling out, not to leave the vicinity of their place of parade or line of march. 12. On command ‘Line Tor’ (fall out) the squad turns right, breaks off in quick time (or in double time as ordered) counting a regulation pause between each movement. 13. The difference between dismiss and falling out are as follows:- (a) Falling out (i) To leave the ranks temporarily. (ii) A word of command to close drill temporarily given to a body of cadets required to fall in again after a stipulated period. (b) Dismiss (i) A word of command for closing drill. (ii) Denotes parade completely terminatedft…. Length of Pace and Time of Marching---- 1. Mark distances on drill square for practicing correct time and length of pace. Details are as under:- Remarks (a) Slow time 30 70 (b) Quick time 30 120 100 (i) Step out 33 (ii) Step short 21 (iii) Side step 12 (c) Double time 40 180 200 2. Use of the pace stick to measure exactly the correct length of pace should be practiced. March in Quick Time 3. ‘Tez Chal’ (Quick March). March from the position of attention. (applies to all occasions including `Get on Parade’) with the band give the word of command on successive beats of paces i.e. ‘ Quick’ on the left foot, ‘ March’ on the right foot. On the command ‘chal’ (March) step off a full pace with the left foot and swing the right arm. 4. In marching, maintain position of attention and remain well balanced. Swing naturally from the shoulder, hands reaching as high as shoulder level in front and/to the rear. Hand kept closed and fingers slightly clenched always to the front. 5. Legs sufficiently bent at the knee, swung forward freely and naturally from the hip joints. The foot should be carried to the front, placed on the ground with the knee straight. 84 Halt 6. ‘Squad-tham’ (Squad halt) given when right foot passes the left. Check the forward movement as the right foot comes to the ground. Complete a short pace of 15 inches with the left foot, bend the right knee and bring the right foot in sharply to the left and assume the position of attention. Avoid tendency of swaying immediately after halt. Slow March and Halt 7. Slow march is required during important parades i.e. Pilots marching in front of VIP and firing parties marching ahed of corpse. 8. On the word of command ‘slow march age barah’, move your left leg forward balancing on the right foot. Move left leg till it reaches right foot, maintaining balance on right foot, move the left leg further ahead and place left foot on ground. The distance of one pace is 30 inch. Similarly put the right foot ahead and halt. Hands will remain by the side of the body as in attention position ….. Turning on the March -- 1. ‘Ginti se murna-baen mur-ek’ (Turning by numbers, left turn one (gives as the left foot passes the right). The cadet will freeze with the left foot forward flat on the ground, the right foot 30 inches to the rear, heel raised; both legs braced, body balanced evenly between them, right arm swung forward and left arm swung back. 2. ‘Squad Do’ (Squad two). Bring both arms to the side, bend the right knee, foot raised with the toe at least six inches clear of the ground. 3. ‘Squad Teen’ (Squad three). Straighten the right knee towards new direction. As the foot comes to the ground, shoot the left foot forward 15 inches, hand still on the sides, body in attention position shoulder back. 4. ‘Squad age barh’ (Squad forward). Lead on in quick time with the left foot, swinging the arms. 5. ‘Qadam tolkar murna, baen mur’ (Turning by balance step, left turn). Check the pace with the left foot, cut the hands to the sides, bend the right knee, force the body round to the new direction and as the right foot comes to the ground, shoot the left forward, ‘Squad forward’, lead on in quick time with the left foot, swinging the arms. 6. ‘Ginti se pichhe murna, pichhe mur ek’ (Turning about by numbers, about turn one) (given as the left foot passes the right). Complete the pace with the left foot, take 8 half pace with the right foot and freeze with the left arm forward, right arm back and left heel off the ground. 7. ‘Sqaud Do’ (Squad two). Cut the arms to the sides, turn right, bend the left knee to adopt position of attention. 8. ‘Squad Teen’ (Squad three). Again turn right parading on the left foot and bend the right knee to adopt the attention position. 9. ‘Squad Char’ (Squad four). Mark time, once pace with the left foot and resume position of attention. 10. ‘Squad age barh’ (Squad forward) Step off with the right foot and continue marching. Wheeling 11. Used when marching in single file or in threes, the inner man wheels on the circumference of a circle four feet in diameter and changes direction through 90 degrees, speed governed by the ability of the outside man to keep pace by stepping out. The inner man adjusts and shortens his pace accordingly. The word of command is ‘Dahine/ Baen Ghoom’ (Right/ left wheel). SALUTING ON THE MARCH 1. Saluting to the Flank (a) ‘Ginti se Salute- dahine salute ek’ (Saluting by numbers salute to the rightone) (given as left foot touches the ground). Complete next pace with the right foot forward heel on the ground, toe raised, arms at the maximum extent of the swing, shoot the left foot forward, complete the next pace with left foot, heel on the ground, toe raised bring the right arm smartly to the position of the salute, turn the head and eyes to the right, cut the left hand to the side. As the left foot comes to the ground, the squad shouts ‘UP’ (b) ‘Squad Do’ (Squad two). Keep left arm still to the side maintain correct position of salute without swinging the shoulder, complete the next pace with the right foot and shout ‘two’. The order ‘two’ ‘hree’ ‘four’ and ‘five’ may be given in quick succession, one pace being taken on each, and the appropriate numbershouted each time. (c) ‘Squad Chhe’ (Squad six). Complete the pace with the right foot. As the heel touches the ground, turn the head and eyes to the front, cut the right hand away to the side and shout ‘Down’. (d) ‘Squad Saat’ (Squad seven) Continue marching in quick time, swing the arms and shout ‘Swing’ on the first pace. (e) Judging the time-the word of command will be ‘Saluting Dahine-ko salute-Salute’ (Salute to the right-salute) given as the left foot comes to the ground. Come up to the salute the next time the left foot touches the ground and cut the hand away on the sixth pace (right foot) (Cadets will continue to call out each time). When Passing an Officer 2. When passing an officer, salute on the third pace before reaching him and lower the hand on the third pace after passing him. During the salute look at the Officer full in the face. Saluting to the Front 3. The word of command given as the right foot passes the left, is as for the halt. Halt, salute to the front wait for regulation pause, salute to the front again, pause, turn about, pause and lead off in quick time. Eyes Right and Left 4. A formed body requiring to pay a compliment to a flank will receive the order to march by the desired flank and will then get, ‘Dahine Dekh’ (eyes right). The guide will look to his front in order to keep direction. All officers, in command will salute, the remainder will turn their heads. The word of command given as the left foot touches the ground in quick time and every one looks right when the left foot next comes to the ground, ‘Samne Dekh’ (eyes front) is given in a similar manner. SIDE PACE, PACE FORWARD AND TO THE REAR- Side Pace 1. ‘Dahine Ya Baen Bazu Chal’, ‘Ya Qadam Dahine Ya Baen Bazu Chal’ (Right or left close march). The sides pace (12 inches) is used to move the squad not more than 12 paces to a flank (if greater distance is to be covered the squad should be ‘turned’ and moved in threes). 2. Specify the exact number of paces (up to four only) the squad continues moving until halted. For procedure carry right foot to a distance of 12 inches, close left foot to it 87 by bending left knee and completing the pace in double time. Shoulders square, direction straight to the flank and uniform pause after each pace. ‘Squad tham’ (Squad halt) is given when number of paces not specified. Pace Forward and to the Rear 3. ‘Pace forward’ and to the rear are always taken in quick time. The fundamentals are as follows :- (a) Left foot shot forward or rear to the required distance. (b) If more than one pace, adopt normal marching, stepping a full pace of 30 inches. (c) Maximum number of paces ordered to step forward or rear will be three MARKING TIME, FORWARD MARCH AND HALT IN QUICK TIME AND CHANGING STEP Mark time 1. Marking time is done in the same cadence as marching. Maintain position of attention. To Quick Mark Time from Halt 2. ‘Tez qadam Tal’ (Quick mark time). Raise the left knee and top of the thigh parallel with the ground, lower leg perpendicular, foot at natural angle, straighten leg again directly, and resume the position of attention, bend and straighten the right knee in a similar manner, body erect, shoulders square to the front and arms to the sides. Halt 3. On the command ‘Tham’ (halt) bring the right foot down sharply and firmly to resume the position of attention. To Mark Time from Quick Marching 4. ‘Qadam Tal’ (Mark time) given with cautionary word well drawn out and executed as the left passes the right. Take short pace of 15 inches with right foot and begin the marking time with the left foot. 5. To move forward when quick marking time, the word of command will be ‘Age barh’ (forward). This being given as the left foot is being raised. Right foot comes to ground, shoot left foot forward and resume marching. Changing Step 6. (a) Changing step in quick time by numbers. ‘Qadam badalna ek’ (Changing step-one) given as the right foot reaches the ground) complete pace with left foot so that the left foot is flat on the ground and 30 inches in front of the right foot. The right arm is raised is front, and the left arm in rear of the body. (b) ‘Squad Do’ (Squad two). Bend the left foot forward placing flat on the ground with the hollow in the heel of the left foot and the arms are cut to the sides. (c) ‘Squad Teen’ (Squad three). Shoot the left foot forward placing the heel of the left foot on the ground 30 inches in front of the right foot. (d) Changing step will only be taught with the left foot leading….. FORMATION OF SQUAD AND SQUAD DRILL General 1. Forming of squad is done to change the formation of the squad or to conserve space. Making of Squad While Standing 2. When squad is standing in threes. On word of command ‘halt, make left to left squad’. The cadet on the right side will stand still. Rest of the squad will move left. This will be followed by word of command ‘attention’. After this action, word of command will be ‘No 1- file slow march from the front’. The cadet on right side will take 3-step ahead and halt and the two cadets behind him will also cover-up behind the first cadet counting out one-two, one-two. This will be followed by word of command ‘No 1 file slow march from the front’ followed by ‘No 2 file slow march from the front’, on this command next cadet will take 5 steps followed by No 3 file who will take 7 steps, No -4 file will –take 9 step and so on, till the entire squad is formed . After this the squad will march in threes. Making Squad Without Halting 3. On word of command ‘form up to the left’, the guide will keep standing and rest will turn half left. On word of command ‘form up in squad to the left, slow march from right’ . The squad, according to the file, will do marching on the spot starting on the left foot and squad will halt on word of command ‘tham’.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 12:37:31 +0000

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