This year election is against the congress party,against a week& - TopicsExpress


This year election is against the congress party,against a week& spineless prime minister,the weakest ever who has in 10 years of his rule,destroyed the countries eoconomy,countries industrial devlopment,devalued the countrys currency.He kept himself in Mauny Baba mode,as he is not serving the country but Gandhi Family.To take the advantage of this bad periode in which contry is passing through one group of so called honest peoples called AAP PARTY whos main aim is not to rule but to destibilized the countrys fedral stucture funded by Muslim countries as well as FORD FOUNDATION, that is why they fled from Delhi,insulted the voters of Delhi.they are blaming every partyas chor, they will put all MEDIA PERSONS behid jail which is one of the four pillar of DEMOCRACY it shows that basicaly they are MAOIST, Dont beleive in any consitutional beware young voters dont encourage these kind of arajak tatwa,dont get emotionely blacmailed,you have seen how they have ditched the DELHI Peoples.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 12:31:28 +0000

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