Thomas A. Edison failed close to 1,000 times before he succeedeed - TopicsExpress


Thomas A. Edison failed close to 1,000 times before he succeedeed in giving us electricity. He was asked why he didnt quit and his reply was that he had ran out of options to try. He said, I had no option but to succeed. If you want to achieve greatness-Stop waiting for permission! There is a lie many of us unwittingly believe. It creeps into our minds and lives in such a sneaky way we don’t even notice it. I tell it to myself every day; you probably do, too. Nobody who changed the world did it by waiting for an audience. Not MLK. Not Gandhi or even Mother Teresa. And certainly not Jesus. Yet, many of us are doing just that. We’re holding back, putting our art on pause, our ideas on the backburner, biding our time with mediocrity and waiting for someone to invites us onstage before we share our best work. What a cowardly way to live. If this is you, if you’ve chosen to believe this lie, then let me tell you something: That day that you’re waiting for will never come. The day in which you will be discovered, the day when you finally get rewarded for your genius — it won’t happen. Not if you just keep waiting. You could, of course, keep waiting to live the life you dreamed of, to share the words burning on your lips until a better time arrives. Until you’re ready. Until someone comes along and gives you permission to be yourself. That’s an option, too. You have to have big dreams, really big dreams. Decide what you want and go after it. No one who has achieved greatness had little expectations. You must expect more than anyone else expects from you. The sky is no longer the limit, space is. Richard Branson is taking tourist to outer space for their vacations. If he didnt have vision and goals, he would never have become the success that he is today. You are the master of your destiny. You are the creator of your future. You can make your life as extraordinary as you desire. Dare to be great and manifest that greatness now. I believe in you. Do you believe in you?
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 09:31:58 +0000

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