Thomas Szasz, Peter Breggin and Critical Psychiatrys Duncan Double - TopicsExpress


Thomas Szasz, Peter Breggin and Critical Psychiatrys Duncan Double and Joanna Moncrieff represent one layer of propaganda control operation in psychopharmacology Psychiatry. They are the valiant Professional opposition. Robert Whitaker and Loren Mosher. The chicanery here is that they all match the Medicopharmaceutical syndicates rhetoric when it comes to Orthomolecular Medicine. Breggin, Szasz read just the same as: E. Fuller Torrey and the APA and NIMH. When MindFreedom has associated events only this sort will be on the speakers panel. (No biochemist types or people helped by biochemical help such as Margot Kidder are ever invited. For instance: 2006 NYC Open Minds Conference What John Hammell calls psychosocial theorists though stopping short of calling them the controlled oppostion as he does Rima Labow and husband Major Stubblebine, etc. Though John did characteristically curse Loren Mosher to hell. iahf/20040120a.html SInce the 1910 fraud-propaganda of the FLEXNER REPORT the AMA has been empowered with Rockefeller/Rothschild/Warburg money to be a controlled Trade Guild that actively amorally suppresses modern medicine. The Shutes discovery of Vitamin E as a treatment for lung and vein health came as a surprise to them when they brought the great breakthrough out, and then vast amounts of further proof, and never got acknowledged. For decades, vitamin E pioneers Drs. Wilfred and Evan Shute were deprived of any recognition which was deservedly theirs. rense/general38/e.htm To reiterate - This is because, when the robber barrons, Rockefeller and company, took control of the A.M.A. and the Medical Colleges in the U.S. and Canada, they did so for the wealthy and the big pharmaceuticals and big petroleum. In Psychiatry as well 5 decades after the Flexner Report it came as a surprise to Abram Hoffer and Humphrey Osmond when they made the niacin and vitamin C for schizophrena (and senility) breakthrough that it was treated as never happened. Hoffer states that he thought they would make him a hero - instead they were heretics. The Task Force 7 report of 1973 sounds as scientific and independent peer review as a Witch Trial. Cant even pretend. 58 pages - everything the cutting edge scientists had done and ever would do was wrong. Their own best people, wrong for all time. 58 pages. Thomas Szasz refers to this report in the same way as E. Fuller Torrey does. Or whoever ghostwrites for Torrey - IE, a satellite billion dollar propaganda medical firm. So the idea here is that their will be a professional opposition to Psychiatry that will be utterly, grotesquely Psychosocial -- and it will push away Medical Information with a 100 foot stick that the NIMH and APA push away with a 50 foot stick. It was important to prevent the truth in Psychiatry to come out. Important to rig the oppostion to exclude merger of psychosocial and valid Medical. (Biochemical -- Linus Pauling and Abram Hoffer, while Szasz never mentions Max Fink, M.D. father of Elctroshock nor Max Warburg is connected with Bayer and IG Farben and Bush with Eli Lilly. Chrushing Psychiatry allows crushing of the weak and promoted the entire abuse gestalt. If Psychiatry the worst rigged crime against humanity had been sucessfully chalange by a legitimate group that brought out the supression of Modern Medical treatment (Linus Pauling, Abram Hoffer, Carl Pfieffer) then that would have opened up the supression of modern Medicine in Oncology, Senility, Diabetes ect. Psychiatry was the worst and most profitable part. Hyper profitable since 1955 Thorazine. The propaganda story was that opposition was Szasz and Laing and that it stopped in the 1970s. Propaganda story two is that opposition is Scientolgy and CCHR (l;eaving out MindFreedom and Scientologys sister-cult ReEvalution CoCounceling.) propaganda story 3 is that oppostion consists of qualified people: Breggin, Critical Psychiatry, David Cohen who support a greater monetary peace of pie for Psychotherapy and less use of medications. (And never touch any concept of correct/suppressed biochemical information -- everything is Psychosocial.) Abram Hoffer the money from Tranquillizers in 56, 57, 58 was so great the Big Pharma overwhelmed Psychiatry. Thought that they would make him be a hero. https://youtube/watch?v=RE2rpITjlhI John Hammell curses Loren Mosher https://google/?gws_rd=ssl#q=+john+hammell++%22a+social+milieu+theorist+named+Dr.Loren+Mosher%22 Apr 12, 2002 - Its all done with smoke and mirrors (Exclusively Psychosocial.) By Mary Boyle -- critpsynet.freeuk/Boyle.htm -- ... Its all done with smoke and mirrors. Or, how to create the illusion of a schizophrenic brain disease. Mary Boyle, University of East London. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > Completely excluded information. Excluded from sources such as Breggin, MindFreedom et al for decades (...our great leadership...) : . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Democratic Undergroud How many peoples lives would have been completely different had this knowledge not been overlooked, not studied, ignored, tossed away, and generally dissed by those in whom we entrust our wellness. sync.democraticunderground/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=104x2889676 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . British Journal of Psychiatry by Malcolm Peet - 2004 - Cited by 86 - Diet, diabetes and schizophrenia - The British Journal of ... Abnormalities of glucose metabolism more common with certain forms of mental illness - in the past few years there been a serious attempt to establish the nature of the association - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Abram Hoffer, M.D. at the end of his life states that the most rabid Republican in the US would be more honest that the NIMH, APA are about their work. https://google/#q=rabid+republican+rose+wife+hoffer+mosher Humphry and I replied to this corrupt document but few paid any attention11. It became the holy writ, the bible, for the anti orthomolecular movement. The morning was not pleasant. Seymour Kety and Dr. Loren Mosher were present. Without any notice Dr. Kety introduced our benefactor who got up to talk about how my treatment had not helped his son. In fact after I had him with me for a month he was very much better and his mother was very pleased with the outcome. But our benefactor could not find any physician who would carry on the treatment after his son came home and he slowly relapsed. I could not describe the case because I had been his doctor. Kety had used our benefactor as a tool and I suspect had been instrumental in the split that occurred between him and the rest of our board of the ASA. Morris Lipton maintained that he was a biochemist because he had done research work in the laboratory where Elvehjem had proved that niacin was vitamin B-3. But he knew little chemistry and when he made a statement that even a first year chemistry student should not have made, Pauling, the world’s greatest chemist, the two-time Nobel winner, the first for chemistry, roundly berated him for his ignorance. Mosher was equally hostile. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . > Szasz is dead, MindFreedom and David Oaks are manipulative, Scientolgy and ReEvaluation are hierachical and have extra-goals-not-stated. >> How about YOU - do you merge Breggin and Szasz and Loren Mosher with Malcolm Peet, David Horrobin, Abram Hoffer? A unified opposition? For a unified position that contains the whole truth and not just half the truth which suits the professions of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. Red Ice Radio -- The War on Vitamins Abrew Saul, M.D. -- Abram Hoffers partner and in charge of everything onece Hoffer died. Really took control and got everything functioning well during Hoffers last two decades of partnering). https://youtube/watch?v=FmTjcRf8j0I Townsend Letter -- magazine -- Whats in a Name? Terming Alternative Medicne highbeam/doc/1G1-114820664.html Flexner Report 1910 - Peter Chowka The demise of democratic Medicine in the U.S. - Th Amazing Logistics - Midwife Faith Gibson - sciencebasedbirth/safety_issues01/rosenbl3.htm
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 00:14:18 +0000

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