Thompson, of cold steel, the plus sized warrior and Seagal out - TopicsExpress


Thompson, of cold steel, the plus sized warrior and Seagal out cutting some mats with the katana. I am rather surprised to see Seagal hanging out with Thompson. Thompson has no qualms of talking about his killing of animals. I quote, I became the first man to dispatch what is known as the Dangerous Seven (Elephant, Rhino, Lion, Leopard, Buffalo, Crocodile and Hippo). He has also killed giraffes, jaguars, and kangaroos. Now here he is with the Buddhist Seagal and I quote. I just love all sentient beings. I went into Thailand and rescued a bunch of dogs. I love dogs. Im a real dog lover. I dont know, I just try to do whatever I can. Im trying to save some elephants in India, and just things like that. Steven has described his activism method as shaming companies into changing, a theme that is visible in such films as On Deadly Ground and Fire Down Below. He has worked with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) to discourage the fur trade, and has written to the Prime Minister of India to seek increased legal protection for cows. Seagal worked effectively towards saving dogs destined to drown in Taiwan; he successfully sought the Premier of Taiwan to sign legislation limiting animal cruelty. Baby elephants This activism has not diminished in recent years. Seagal prevented the export of baby elephants from South Africa to Japan. For these and other efforts, Seagal was awarded a PETA Humanitarian Award in 1999. In 2003, Seagal wrote an open letter to the leadership of Thailand, urging them to enact law to prevent the torture of baby elephants. And that is why I am surprised to see him and the trophy hunter plus sized killer thompson together.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 00:54:13 +0000

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