Thor : The Dark World (in threed) @ Stuart The Marvel universe - TopicsExpress


Thor : The Dark World (in threed) @ Stuart The Marvel universe kicks off again for its Autumn spectacular Thor 2, AKA The Dark World .. and therein lies the main and only problem that I have with this film. Its not a dark world in the slightest. This is a blockbuster and in every sense it looks the part and there is a bit of something for everyone in here, laughs, action, romance, sadness. More than one lady friend has gone weak at the knees thinking about the scene with Chris Hemsworth sponging himself down topless. I have to admit, I have a little man crush and the motivation to get in the gym a bit more too. The CGI is excellent and draws very well on the previous Thor outing as well as The Avengers and the ongoing saga of Loki and Tom Hiddleston is excellent. In fact Loki is by far the more interesting character while Thor has become a fairly one dimensional act, each time Tom is vacant the film feels more empty as a result. Overall the character Malkieth played by Chris Ecclestone is a non-entity in this film and with it the dark from the Dark World is missing ... this isnt to say that Ecclestone does badly, but he really doesnt have enough to work with and his screen time is sorely limited until the final all out battle by which time its too late. Is this a good Marvel film? To quote Kick Ass, HELLLLL YES! Despite the shortcomings above there is a lot brewing nicely here, especially a potential Thor love triangle. The fun is funsome (despite Darcys intern), the action is actiony and the screen in threed is spectacular. This is absolutely a cog in a much bigger wheel, but I definitely want to see more and am looking forward immensely to Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the Marvel universe, especially as the credits point towards Avengers 3 slated for release sometime around 2018. Good things are coming thats for sure and as long as they keep Joss Whedon at the helm for the Avengers films I am moist in anticipation. Rating for The Dark World? 8/10 Solid, exciting and dependable Thor part of the Marvell franchise that just needed that extra something to tip it over the edge in the same way that Avengers Assemble did for me.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 22:40:07 +0000

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