Those few that know what happened have questions. Those of you - TopicsExpress


Those few that know what happened have questions. Those of you that know now I am sure have questions. I am going to do my best to answer those questions as they get posted. Those that know me know I don’t hold things back as much as I “should” but you never have to wonder if I am holding back or hiding anything. It is a strong trait of mine and my biggest weakness. As an NCO in the United States Army I learned to be honest and not hold back. Tell the truth and be honest. This hurts a lot of people’s feelings. You don’t like it, that is a YOU problem, not mine. So let us go back to September 2011 in the Rebel Legion. The word on the street was that Echo Base was getting ready to split and there was going to be a nomination for new Base Commanding Officer. My good friend Ryan Miorelli was nominated and I should have let him just win the nomination without having a Q&A. You guys don’t know this but I was the one that nominated Danielle for new Base CO. Why? I wanted to make sure Ryan was ready to step up and be a leader for the new Base. I didn’t want to see him slide in uncontested. I knew Danielle was itching to step up, or so I thought, and with her standing in Echo I thought it would be a good challenge for Ryan. Now when I posted that nomination I didn’t think of what I was going to ask Ryan or her. It wasn’t until after I did that I realized I lined Danielle up for a really bad deal. I didn’t mean to do it but it happened. I had questions for her about some of the events/things she did that harmed Garrison Carida. Hindsight being 20/20 I should have let it alone. I honestly feel bad for nominating her and asking these questions. She wasn’t ready and I don’t think she was honest but that is me. So here begins the story of my removal……. Sept 11,2013 First set of questions I posted for Danielle and Ryan to answer and they were removed by the LCO. My questions posted and answered by Danielle: For Danielle: If I told you are that the Monessen event did strain relations with Garrison Carida would that make a difference in your attitude toward answering my question about it? What I would tell you to do is ask Tim Wimbush to show you the letter that he received. If I told you that Tim Wimbush is still waiting for you to tell him who put garrison carida down as coming to that event and they promoted garrison carida as coming to the event without asking would that change your attitude toward answering my question? Then Tim Wimbush should contact me directly. If I told you that the way the event you coordinated to give out the donation the the Pittsburgh hospital strained relations with Garrison Carida would that change your attitude toward answering the question? Then Tim Wimbush should contact me directly. If you answered no to any of my three previous questions how do you as the new Base Commanding Officer expect to work closely with your sister organization in the state of Pennsylvania knowing at Garrison Carida does have strained relations with the Rebel Legion because of a handful of things you have been involved with even if you dont feel they are? I am sorry if you feel that this isnt the 501st and I do agree but knowing that Garrison Carida had an open invite to over 100 events to Echo Base compared to 12 from Echo Base to Garrison Carida and now you can see where the new Base will need some help from its sister organization or it is already set up to fail. Can you now understand my questions and why I would like answers to them? I myself did not know until recently that Garrison Carida had an open invite policy. I was made aware of this by the discussions in the recent forums. Upon joining the Rebel Legion this information is not common knowledge unless you know someone who is in Carida. There was not, until recently, a thread that says, “Garrison Carida has and Open Invite Policy for Echo Base”. Sept 11,2103 Second set of questions for Danielle and Ryan that were removed by the LCO. Ammi Ziva wrote: One more question for Danielle: 1. Why did you direct Christine, our Leia, away from Garrison Caridas table at Steel City Con in April of this year and have words with her? I saw her having a great time getting pictures taken with other Star Wars characters so Id like to have an explanation as to why this was done? I pulled people away so they could take their turn to work the Rebel Legion table at Steel City. Each person was to take their turn sitting at the table to give other volunteers the opportunity to walk around and do exactly what Christine, Ryan Miorelli and Jonas were doing. 2. Did you also pull Ryan, our Luke, away from Garrison Caridas table at Steel City Con? If not why Christine and not Ryan? I grabbed Ryan whenever I saw him and asked him to stay at the table for an hour while others took a break. He told me he would once he was done going around a few more times. Ryan, Christine and Jonas did eventually work the Rebel Legion table and gave the other members a break. 3. Why didnt you pull me away from Garrison Caridas table when I was in my Anakin? If now why Christine and not me? Honestly, I did not pull you away because I am not that familiar with the different phases of Anakin. 4. Do you believe this strains relations with Garrison Carida? No. If you sign up to do Steel City Con representing the Rebel Legion, then take your turn to sit at the table and relieve other people who want to walk around. Im just very confused on this situation. Sept 11,2013 Third set of questions for Danielle and Ryan that were removed by the LCO. Ammi Ziva wrote: For both of you: 1. Is it important to troop all over the territory or is it ok to just troop around your own area? Please explain your answer. If by asking territory you mean Base, then my answer is as follows. The trooper should troop when and where they can afford the time and financial cost to troop. No one should be forced or made to feel guilty or bullied to troop if it is not within their means. Just because someone stays in a single area does not mean that their time and effort is any less meaningful than someone who has trooped an entire state and has done over 70+ events in a single year. 2. Do you both believe that there is a chain of command within the Rebel Legion? Yes of course. 3. Do you both believe anyone should be able to make their own events? Apparently, no matter how many times the answer was given to this question, you will not let it rest. Therefore, I will not answer this question anymore. 4. Do you both believe that you can hand pick people to go to events? Apparently, no matter how many times the answer was given to this question, you will not let it rest. Therefore, I will not answer this question anymore. 5. Should non-members/members working on costumes to get into the RL be able to go to events in the place of full RL members? Apparently, no matter how many times the answer was given to this question, you will not let it rest. Therefore, I will not answer this question anymore. For Danielle: I am sorry if this is bringing up an old topic/wound but I have to ask because you stated: Ammi Ziva wrote: 13. Do you feel there has been any failure in your roles in Echo Base over the last year? If so what? Why? How could you have fixed it if you could do it again? There were no failures only learning processes. 14. What is your specific game plan to work with Garrison Carida to improve upon the strained relations that we currently have if you believe there is a strained relationship? If there is a strained relationship with Garrsion Carida is is due to a lack of communication. However, I do not believe that there is one. Garrison Carida is part of the 501st and has its own boards and members and regulations. I want ask you a few questions about the Monessen Event that happened this past July. Garrison Carida was advertised in the newspaper as going to that event but never received an invite until July 13th from Amy. Amy told Garrison Carida that you were the one who coordinated everything months ago. You told a member of Garrison Caridas Command Staff that you would get me the name of the person who originally contacted me but failed to do so. While I understand that you still have some confusion and deep seeded issues about this event that was cleared up. Please speak to Tim Wimbush as this is 501st issue that was resolved. The Rebel Legion forum is not the place to address this. The organizer for the Celebrate America event sent a letter to Tim Wimbush dated July 15th, 2013 clarifying my position and apologized for the misunderstanding. Please take your issue there ,this is the Rebel Legion not the 501st. Let’s move along please. 1. Do you believe this strained relations for Echo Base with Garrison Carida? No, I do not. 2. Do you believe that there is anything that should be done to make this situation right with Garrison Carida or is it truely a Dead Issue? There is no issue and as far as I am concerned, it is a closed issue. 3. What did you take away from this learning process as you put it? Sometimes some people will never be satisfied unless they see you nailed to a cross. Thank you both for taking the time to answer my questions Sept 11, 2013 So the Rebel Legion LCO removed my question after Danielle posted them.These are the PRIVIATE PM’s we exchanged on the topic.: Wally wrote: I dont understand why I cant ask specific questions as to the character of one person or another? That doesnt seem too fair when one persons past actions could be hurtful if they become CO. My questioning was in line with the election but if you really need to to send them to both here goes.......... LCO wrote: Its about singling people out and baiting them to stumble, so you can make a point. Thats what youre doing and it isnt acceptable. If you have concerns over someones previous actions, you should have brought it up with your BCO when it occurred. Youre staff on your local garrison, so you should know that. Thanks for your cooperation. Wally wrote: As Ive have already stated my questions are justified because I am trying to get to why she has personally strained relations with Garrison Carida and shows no remorse for it. None of my questions are baiting her. If I was baiting her believe me youd know it. I am showing a lot of restraint here. Can you please provide me, in writing, where I am not allowed to ask a question of one person but not the other? How am I to ask a follow up question to an answer from either of them if I cant be specific? Seems to me that you have an issue with me asking tough questions that need answered. Thats my opinion and I dont appreciate you having to remind me I am on a Command position. I might not be someone over here in the Rebel Legion but I do know my place and role here and in the 501st. LCO wrote: It has nothing to do with tough questions, but with being fair. If you were so concerned with how things were handled at the time, you would have addressed it at the time. ... and it was provided, in writing, by Suzi in the thread, as well as by me. Play fair or youll be removed from the Q&A. Thanks for your cooperation. Wally wrote: It does come down to tough questions. Danielle hasnt had to answer for any of her actions and they have strained the relations with Garrison Carida. The base members need to know that. Ill do my best to provide questions that both of these guys can answer. I also want you to know I reached out to the COTG because I feel you and Suzi are censoring me and bullying me. I dont appreciate either of them but I honestly dont expect anything to happen since my local leadership is lacking a backbone and I feel that the only action anyone takes is when they feel things are getting personal in nature. Sorry I speak my mind and ask tough questions. I also sent a message to the LCOTG right after sending the PM to the LCO: My PM to the LCOTG: Sarah, I hope this finds you well. I have having a problem with our LCO removing valid questions in our new Base CO Q&A. I feel that he is has a personal issue with me because I am asking hard, valid questions that Danielle will look bad if she answers. My questions are valid because she has strained the relationship with Garrison Carida and doesnt see it. This does present a huge problem for the new Base if she does win the CO position in the election and the members need to be aware of it. I also do not understand why I can not ask a specific question to one person or the other? How am to ask a follow up question to an answer they give? I feel bullied right now between Jason and Suzi Stelling. Sept 11, 2013 Here is what Jason R. put in the Q&A thread: Commander Cody wrote: Questions need to be directed at both candidates. You are not permitted to single-out any particular candidate with questions. Any questions that seem to be baiting in nature will be subject to removal by admin staff. Thank you for your cooperation! How can you not ask specific questions to follow up? I dont understand? My PM to the LCO concerning the questions Sept11,2013 Wally wrote: It does come down to tough questions. Danielle hasnt had to answer for any of her actions and they have strained the relations with Garrison Carida. The base members need to know that. Ill do my best to provide questions that both of these guys can answer. I also want you to know I reached out to the COTG because I feel you and Suzi are censoring me and bullying me. I dont appreciate either of them but I honestly dont expect anything to happen since my local leadership is lacking a backbone and I feel that the only action anyone takes is when they feel things are getting personal in nature. Sorry I speak my mind and ask tough questions. LCO wrote: I appreciate your integrity and desire to want good relations between both groups in your area, but we need to be fair to all candidates. If you have issue with one of them, then dont vote for them. Simple as that. As the admins for these forums, its within our rights to edit and monitor topics that we feel are being misguided or members may be causing issue just for the sake of causing issue. This is the last time Ill be corresponding with you on this matter. Feel free to direct any additional questions/complaints to our COG. Thanks. Sept 11,2013 My new questions for both: To both Ryan and Danielle: If I told you are that the Monessen event did strain relations with Garrison Carida what specific actions would either of you take to ensure that your Command would be able to mend this relationship to help ensure the new Base is successful? Please be specific to answering the question to me and not deflect it to another person please. If I told you that Tim Wimbush is still waiting from a member of Echo Base as to who originally gave the go ahead to that group to advertise Garrison Carida as coming without requesting the event directly to him what would you do to help correct this situation with him and Garrison Carida? If I told you that the way the event that was recently coordinated to give out the donation the the Pittsburgh hospital strained relations with Garrison Carida what would you do to help mend that and improve the relations with them? Do you believe that the new Base would be successful without having Garrison Caridas events to help promote the Rebel Legion and give us an avenue of approach to grow our numbers? How would either of you feel if I were to tell you I am considering stepping away from the Rebel Legion because of the current state of Echos Command and how the Pittsburgh Event was handled? What do you do or say to keep a member from leaving the group? My last post that I am sure will be removed: For both: 1. Do you feel that we, ask members of the new Base, should be able to answer follow up questions to answers you both give? Specifically should we be able to ask person to person questions? 2. Do either of you feel that this Q&A is being censored? 3. Do either of you feel that the questions are too hard or unfair? I would like to ask (This is a question) that the Legion COTG monitor the rest of this Q&A thread to ensure there is a fair and just Q&A conducted without the fear of an Admin coming in and removing a questions one or two individual feels is unfair. Thank you. Sept 11,2103 My final PM to Jason the LCO of the Rebel Legion: Wally wrote: I dont see anything in the RL charter that prevents asking 1 candidate a question over another. Im being censored plain and simple. I think your personal issues with Ryan Miorelli makes you want Danielle to win the election and with my hard questions you know she has no chance to win. Im calliing you on it because I see and hear. You need to put your personal differences with him to the side and do the right thing for the Legion and Base and not what you personally want. Im pretty sure the 501st LCO is finding out now that what she thinks is personally good isnt really good at all......... Ill also put out there that Im not the quite guy in the group. Ive learned in my 6 plus years in the 501st how to maintain control of my emotions and hit hard with facts. Im the guy who will stand up and say what others wont. I am the guy who gathers facts, reads the charter, saves posts and PMs on his computer. Id do it in person just as much as I post in the forums. You can take it for what it is worth because now Ive said my peace to you. Sept 11, 2103 at 0807hrs I was removed from the Echo Base member only Q&A I had zero idea what was going on after I was removed and locked out of the Q&A. So I was pretty upset about being removed for asking questions. My biggest complaint about the entire thing is how in the heck do you require someone to ask questions of both candidates? I mean if one answers the question and you have a follow up for one specific person then you have to ask both the follow up even if it is only for one? This is Jason Rutledge at his finest folks. You’ll see in the next few days that this whole thing was unjustified because Ryan Miorelli answered the questions when Jason Rutledge said they were only for Danielle. If he allowed my questions and I wasn’t removed I wouldn’t have posted this on Facebook on Sept 11,2013. It is still down there with 43 comments: Im not one to post much about what is going on especially if it is something that upsets or bothers me. I dont feel Facebook is the right place, most of the time, to do that but in my case I have no other approach to take right now so here is the problem I am having..... I am a member of both the 501st and Rebel Legion. My base in the Rebel Legion is looking to split off and form a new base in Pennsylvania and is currently holding a Q&A for both of the candidates for base commanding officer. I have questions that needed answered by both and only one of the candidates but guess what folks? The Rebel Legion Commanding Officer decided today that I, just me, can only ask questions of both candidates and not one person. Fact is the Rebel Legion Charter does not specify that I can not ask one candidate specific questions. Fact that in previous years questions have been asked of one candidate and not the other. Fact the Rebel Legion Commanding Officer used his personal feelings in removing me from the Q&A session because he doesnt like one of the candidates personally. Now the issue and questions I wanted answer has to do with the one candidates actions in the past that has caused a strained relationship for Echo Base with Garrison Carida. I want those answer and cant have them because I am baiting this person and it makes them look really bad. Guess what? They already look bad in doing what they did folks! Im only asking the questions no one else has the guts to ask because they dont want to cause issues with anyone else. I find it disheartening that the Rebel Legion Commanding Officer cant put his personal feelings aside and allow legitimate questions to be asked. I guess that is what someone with power can do when they are on their way out the door. I lost a lot of respect for the Rebel Legion today and that is troubling on a lot of levels because I have ALWAYS been a strong supporter of it and for all of their members. That said I am not sure that I can continue to be a member of a group that cares so little about what is right and what should be done and values personal bias in following rules, regulations and implementing punishment. Those of you who really know me know that this post is well out of character for me. It makes me sad having to use this forum to post but since I have been locked out of where I should be......... Lastly I will venture a good guess that the Rebel Legion will start the process of removing me from the group. I will tell you all that when that day does come I will make public EVERYTHING that has happened today in the Q&A, via PMs and emails. Ill make sure all of you know exactly the character of the people who bullied me are today when that time does come. We will see what comes my way now. Sept12,2013 I was old by the LCOTG that I was to remove the post on Facebook or I would be brought up on charges. I was told that I shared private forum information via a public website. That is debatable . Now I will take a hit for naming the LCO in the post . You can make up your own mind on that. The real thing in my mind at the time is that I would have never made that post in the first place if the LCO didn’t remove me from the Q&A. You’ll understand my position as we go through the hearing and trial in the next few days. That is all for tonight’s post Facebook friends.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 21:42:26 +0000

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