Those in HUPAS should know by now I have a habit of writing - TopicsExpress


Those in HUPAS should know by now I have a habit of writing odes Very long poems of rhyming couplets And this was one was drafted on the road The M1 to be specific As I was Lincolnshire bound Coming home from the best year ever A year that was exceptionally sounds I decided against a soppy status Or a photo of where I’ve just gone So an ode was much more fitting To document it, and thank everyone I’ll attempt this chronologically Which will undoubtedly not succeed And I’ll try to get everyone mentioned So with that, we shall proceed First order of business on arriving in London Was a grand old “Big Bus” tour Courtesy of dear ol’ Nuri I wish I’d thanked you more But the evenings when we first moved in Were certainly going to go slow I’d been challenged 50 days sober But I’ve certainly made up for that now (Rudyard Kipling rhymes like that, leave me be) During my trial through fire Two events of significance took place ‘Twelve drinks of Christmas’ and a Halloween party both difficult when not off your face Halloween certainly was eventful With Nic giving punch a good go Then almost setting himself in fire At least he put on a good show Twelve drinks of Christmas was almost my downfall And I came very close to breaking my bet But it ended up karaoke with shadow ministers And that’s almost as good as it gets Went to Winter Wonderland When the New Year rolled around And when you go on the last day Pints were only a pound! But the best thing about this evening Was meeting our American friends Who only had two weeks with us But I wished it could never end Silent disco at the shard was amazing With views to take your breath away With Ms Locke laughing at my dance moves That all looked like YMCA St Patricks Day was amazing It showed London in full Irish glee And 117 photos Were taken of leprechaun me! HUPAS came down in Easter Roadhouse was our destination of choice Saw a Chinese man sing mamma mia! It was just a shame about his voice. A BBQ in an Asda trolley I thought the idea was quiet neat But judging by our guests reaction You would have thought it was Benefits Street My leaving meal and drinks were smashing with company and food most fine But I learnt a valuable life lesson Never drink whiskey and wine! I’m sure there were many more outings But there are just too many to bring to mind I wish I could go on forever And I probably will, in time. I wish I could thank each one of you Who made my unforgettable But if I miss anyone off Then that is sincerely regrettable To start with my fellow course mates Mr Picton and his housemate Ben Made for excellent conversation all year round And dressed as tigers and Ronald Reagan India I didn’t see much of all year But I was encouraged that she wasn’t dead When I saw her at the ACS reception And I still owe her two bottles of red Rosalindwill always be a city slicker With her foot in the publishing door And to celebrate her birthday We went up to the 38th floor Jess GoodrumI’m sorry I was needy Dan I’m sorry I didn’t always do as told But Ross Haynes calling me ‘Carson’ Who knew anyone could be so bold Will, Shruti and Ben You completed the rest of that bunch They’ve always been good company And always good drinkers of punch Zack, Clara, Bobby,and Abbey What a crazy two weeks they were I hope you’re having fun stateside And we’ll definitely be there next year! Jemma introduced me to the wonders of Pho One of the greatest restaurants on earth It was one of many places that year That contributed to my increased girth! Nuri gave me tours a plenty Along with greasy fry-up too And a massive hug on my penultimate day So glad I ran into you Ms Locke certainly deserves a mention For sticking with me through and through From bottles of vodka, to gin bar frequenting Where would I be without you? We should maybe take into account however When planning trips out next year To not go to interior design shows So we don’t give people the wrong idea Liam was the office manager Of as many would say “my boss” And I learnt once the hard way That it’s best not to make him cross Between learning about orders of chivalry And how to address a Duke’s eldest son To monarchies of Europe and rules of dress It’s amazing how we got any work done Tyson and Luke were a motley pair Both of a nature most sound I may be gone, but I’ll see you both soon When Conference rolls around I suppose the family deserve a mention As they came to visit me I suppose it’s the best time for some When their tours of parliament are free From Gin Bars with my uncle To fathers cocktails at the Ritz To fancy dinners with grandparents It looked like a year of glitz But the sheen was soon to vanish And not really all too soon As we took my cousin Daniel To his first ever greasy spoon! My mum and my sister came down too For a pleasant weekend away We did the tour and had plenty good grub Just a shame we didn’t see a play When it boils down to housemates Of which I had two, no more But with the frequency in which they stayed You’d be excused if you thought I had four One person who often resided Was the wonderful Ms Ruth Cover I spent two years mispronouncing her name Turns out it rhymes with over Be it the Americas or the papacy In the past she’s come across slightly….dim But to save her further embarrassment I leave her to fill you in We didn’t speak for three whole years The I found she was too was in town Took her 6 months to get back to me however Which I’ll never let her live down But Miss Everett has become very dear to me And she will be sorely missed I look forward to seeing her in Hull and Leeds Where we’ll be permanently….. drunk The two people Ive lived with this year Ms Davison and Mr Crowe Although weve had our ups and downs Youve certainly helped me grow There are simply too many memories So many I could write a book Which I started but did not finish But you’re both welcome to take a look So that brings me to the end of the year The best year of my life so far And these memories words are just a glimpse Of the year that’s been well above par Tsar Nicholas upon visiting England Said parliament was a “dream in stone” And thanks to you all this year I’ve fulfilled a dream of my own
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 11:06:29 +0000

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