Those of us in the churches of Christ... strive for doctrinal - TopicsExpress


Those of us in the churches of Christ... strive for doctrinal accuracy. Again, this is a good thing. But have we taken this quest for truth to extremes? How can such a noble endeavor be considered extreme? When we start to act as if perfect doctrinal understanding is a prerequisite to be in fellowship with God and with each other. An all too common attitude among us is that if someone isnt doctrinally correct they need to be studied with and shown the truth. Its interesting that what is considered to be the truth is usually the same thing being taught by the BNPs (Big Name Preachers) in the brotherhood publications. Some seem to have an unspoken conviction that our salvation is dependent upon our ability to be perfect in our understanding of the scriptures... No two people will ever be in complete agreement of their interpretation of the Bible. If you know two people who are, it simply means that only one of them is doing the thinking... Brethren who love the Lord and the truth and who honestly and conscientiously study the scriptures will invariably come to different conclusions on various topics. What do we have to be in agreement on to be in fellowship with one another? If doctrinal accuracy is to be the basis of our fellowship, then we are doomed to undergo endless splits within the churches of Christ because no two people will ever be in total agreement. On the other hand, if the basis for our fellowship rests on common goals, and we agree on the methods for reaching for these goals then we are on more solid footing. All that Christians have to be in agreement on to be in fellowship with each other is what they do collectively as a local congregation. Christians ought to be able to study together on any Bible topic without fear of opening a can of worms and splitting the church. If we cant do that then it isnt Bible study we do when we meet on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings; its a creed rehearsal.... --creedrehearsal
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 23:25:20 +0000

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