Those of us that have obeyed Acts2:38 by faith. That yield to - TopicsExpress


Those of us that have obeyed Acts2:38 by faith. That yield to anointing for enlightenment to gain revelation of things of God. When read Acts 2:4 expect to be filled with the power of His Holy Spirit. It is give us power over sin. It is sin that affect our health, finances, relationship, prayers, studying, reading, obedience, faith, belief, and ministeries. Beloved our God hates sin and is asking why we as His sin. When we honor Acts 2:38 in obedience to John 3:5, he puts sin into remission but it is not dead. We still a continuing in filling of the Holy Spirit. So, as we prepare our minds. Surrender it to the kingdom of God. He gives more power of His love. His love keeps humble to read and study. We show praise toward His Word. Once we read and study our prayer changes desires of the flesh to needs of our Spirit. He may if our soul has been right fitted. Grant the revelation power in a gift. He is good like that at times. There is not one who has been baptized both by water and His Spirit. That do not need more of God. We have been trying heal on the first filling. Yet, when we read His Words in regard to gifts. It has been that just read. We have to seek Him for access to these gifts. He is sovereign He gives a taste so we would desire more. First, we must deny sin. If His Word instruct us to not do as the heathen. We must obey. If we do the opposite, we sin. We are sinning because we are refusing to end our relationship with traditions of men. We are interfering with our Spiritual vision. We partition God why we are failing. God answered You are blind to things of Heaven. Ignore of the Teachings of God is no excuse. We have purchased the sword to cut sin, but we turn to re sing blind. We will read those parts to rid ourselves of sin. We preachers have forsaken sermons on sin. We has not. Yet, we preach His will get a blessing and see into His Kingdom. No sin we will enter in. We siting up tainted alters of the heathen. Worshiping idols gods on a large scale. We are praising their gods with songs honoring them. Yet, we are going to heaven. In Jeremiah 44, the children of Israel were warned to turn away. In Jeremiah 10, we are instructed not to take on the rituals of the heathen. Preachers it does explain the act, the setting up, and the decoration. We turn a blind eye to it. We tell God the same as them. We will worship in our own way no matter what God desires. Children of God (yes all that obeyed Acts 2:38), have paid attention to the message we send to God. When we turn a blinded eye we are saying. God I know You do not care for this act. But it feels right and seems right. This is why we all need to study Jeremiah 44. In that chapter God gets upset with the children of God. He tells because their disobedience He will take His Name out their mouths. Read it and let it convict you as it did me. Oh God You are a wonder. When we turned down speaking on sin. There has not been true conviction. Instead of sin being put in remission. We have allowed it to fester uncontrolled. It this the reason we are asking for prayer for sickness, finances, failed relationships, and troubled minds. God told us a mind stayed on Him. He keeps us in perfect peace. His peace surpasses on men knowledge. His peace supplies good health, build relationships, give power to gain wealth, and keeps us in love with Him. His peace is administered by the power of His love. Which means more to us. Celebrating a pagan tradition or gaining access to the Kingdom of Heaven. God gave me this message to give to a beloved. That beloved did as many. They told God I will do as I want. Then God showed them who is God. Just as God sent the prophet back to Hezekiah. He sent me back with His message of hope. What will be your answer to God. Has your years of servant grant you hope? This is a bad time for disobedience. Just think on what is happening in the world. God is coming. If we do not what king to worship. How are we will know when He comes? This servant thinks on this a lot lately. I am humbled at my righteousness is seen as filthy rags. Be blessed my belove. Read search the Words of God. Read and study it is mind blowing. If you are suffering from whatever. It is in the Word of God the cause, what is effected, and the solution to remove it.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 08:43:50 +0000

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