Those of you who have been on my profile for a while will recall - TopicsExpress


Those of you who have been on my profile for a while will recall the announcement I had made way back in May 2011 that it was my intention to publish a book. After much encouragement and perserverance, that dream eventually became a reality when my first anthology of poetry In Loves Way - Abdulla Amla was released in the spring of September 2012. I will not delve into the subsequent accolades and the raving reviews that the book received (Alhumdulillah) and continues to receive to this day, except to say that I remain humbled by that experience and my work has come a long way from those initial simplistic pieces that I so often pieced and posted. I can unreservedly say that it came from the heart, my lifes experiences, inspiration I drew from natural wonders and the fact that I had lots of love, support & encouragement from readers who took a liking to my work. Well today, I run a new profile, have a lot of new friends, but not much has changed in that the work remains more or less the same. However, everybody grows from within, and one of my passions is to educate, enlighten & spiritually uplift (myself first) people with knowledge. To be able to articulate ones self and be acknowledged for it, I can only say with utmost humility comes from the Almighty. Hence, I would like to make my intention known that I have finally made up my mind to put together my next book InshaAllah (God willing). This time it will be something with a difference in that I will be putting the poetry aside for a while, while I concentrate on work Ive done in relation to spiritual/religious advice, motivations, inspirations, and quotable quotes. Most of you are quite familiar with some of the work Ive done in that regard. As such, just as I had done the last time around where I keep you guys informed and involved, I am putting this out there once again, to you the audience, the avid reader, my friends, fans and followers alike, to propose to me your suggestions for a title that is befitting this kind of work. I have one in mind already and may have confided in a select few friends with regard to an appropriate title but will appreciate it if you guys do not mention that here. Please give me your own original suggestions. We will then compile the list of titles and short list the ones we like before finalising a title. Its still a long way to go before I am ready though. The last book took almost a year and a half, but Im hoping that this next one wont take that long. With that in mind, I would like to thank you all for the continued support, the kind words of encouragement, and your assistance in this regard in anticipation. Thank you for the messages and for looking forward to reading my work as it progresses day by day....p.s my apologies for not being able to tag everyone as fb limits it. .............................................
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 14:38:16 +0000

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