Those of you who know me will be absolutely shocked to learn the - TopicsExpress


Those of you who know me will be absolutely shocked to learn the most recent round of events. On September 11,2014 I submitted an in person public records request at the port asking, what year was the boat hoist/removal removed from the port. The answer to this question is part of my research for my federal lawsuit against the port. Four days later I am contacted by a Kitsap County Sheriff who proceeds to explain to me that I , along with my friend (a woman) are suspects of 2nd degree assault. Having only ever had 2 prior interactions with police #1 a parking ticket & #2 the unfortunate task of an officer telling me I was driving with a gas hose attached to my car, I was quite surprised to be suspected of causing someone harm. It turns out that the port manager watched me exit the port office and claims that I stopped for 20-30 seconds between D & E piers before walking to my car. This behavior of mine was apparently so suspicious to him that he felt it necessary to write a statement of this strange behavior and hand deliver it to a couple that lives on one of those piers just in case something bad were to happen, this way, they would have a statement in their hands ready to give to the police. I should mention that where the port manager claims I was standing is exactly where the hoist was located that I had just submitted a request for information about that would be used against the port in my lawsuit of which this manager is a defendant. In case you have forgotten, one of the things Im suing them for is retaliation.... Anyway, the couple whom the statement was given to on the 11th claim that someone switched out a water-bottle with a water-bottle filled with bleach, put it in the refrigerator on their boat that the woman supposedly drank on the 13th. Because I stopped for 20-30 seconds on the 11th they claim I was a lookout for my friend (a woman who has been harassed to no end for showing support for me) so she could put this bleach filled bottle on their boat. Regardless of how completely absurd this all is, I had to take the time to do a follow up report with the police to ensure that everything they claim was investigated. Obviously my friend and I were cleared of all possible charges. Before I learned that we were clear, I submitted a public records request to the port (by email so as to avoid anymore possible charges) asking for the security video footage of all views of : the port office, the parking lot and e dock between 12-3 on September 11. This footage will show if the port manager walked the statement down to the couples boat as he claims, it might show if in fact anyone went to their boat to commit a crime and when I walked to my car. It would answer many more questions about this supposed incident. Instead of providing me the footage, the port contacted the couple whom were just denied in an attempt to charge me with a crime and let them know of my request, and suggested that if they dont want this footage provided to me that they should get an attorney. Unbelievable, except I have proof. I have proof of everything I have stated here and would love to give it to any and all media- TV, newspaper, etc. for those of you who told me that you have those connections, I have packets made up of this incident- the police reports, the public records requests, the information proving my innocence, etc. As Ive mentioned before, this needs to get out. No one should be retaliated against for exercising their rights. Whats happening to me and people who support me is not acceptable. I have to admit , after my car was egged, my fence spray painted , people in my yard late at night, eviction attempts against my business, and my friends being bullied, I thought wed seen the worst.....
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 15:56:19 +0000

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