Those prayers God likes best come seething hot from the heart. - - TopicsExpress


Those prayers God likes best come seething hot from the heart. - Thomas Watson on the Puritan Hard Drive Prayer is as natural an expression of faith as breathing is of life. - Jonathan Edwards on the Puritan Hard Drive If your knowledge of doctrine does not make you a great man of prayer, you had better examine yourself again. - D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones Pray and Be Alone With God By Paul Washer, George Mueller, Dr. Joel Beeke, Charles Spurgeon, Greg Price, John Calvin, Dr. Steven Dilday, William Guthrie, J.C. Ryle, and Others (Free MP3s, Books, Videos) The Puritan Hard Drive is a tremendous blessing... you can easily do ten hours worth of research in just seconds! ... In the history of extra-biblical study tools there has never been a resource as useful as the Puritan Hard Drive. - Pastor Paul Washer, HeartCry Missionary Society, Author, Conference Speaker, etc. Cold prayers always freeze before they reach heaven. - Thomas Brooks on the Puritan Hard Drive NOT TO PRAY IS A SIN MOST ODIOUS. O! why cease we then to call instantly to his mercy, having his commandment so to do? Above all our iniquities, we work manifest contempt and despising of him, when, by negligence, we delay to call for his gracious support. Whoso does call upon God obeys his will, and finds therein no small consolation, knowing nothing is more acceptable to his Majesty than humble obedience (Jer. 7:23). - JOHN KNOX on the Puritan Hard Drive Prayer is not overcoming Gods reluctance, but laying hold of His willingness. - Martin Luther on the Puritan Hard Drive The Puritan Hard Drive is the best resource money can buy. It is easy, simple to use and the search feature cut down my time searching web pages that had absolutely nothing to do with the query I typed into the search engine. Not to mention a lot of the material is not accessible on the Internet. To have so many books and articles at my fingers-tips is both truly amazing and a blessing. If you love the Puritans and Reformed theology, then the Puritan Hard Drive is a resource that you cant live without. - Pastor Jerry Johnson, President of Nicene Council, Seminary Professor, Author, Video Producer, etc. Top Ten Puritan Hard Drive Reviews (So Far) PURITAN HARD DRIVE SUPER SALE ON NOW, FOR A SHORT TIME -- LOWEST PRICES EVER (STARTING AS LOW AS $97.97, SAVING YOU $200!) (DOWNLOADABLE WINDOWS PHD) - (DOWNLOADABLE MAC PHD) - (USB-PHD) Once, while crossing the Atlantic on the SS Sardinian in August 1877, his ship ran into thick fog. He explained to the captain that he needed to be in Quebec by the following afternoon, but Captain Joseph E Dutton (later known as Holy Joe) said that he was slowing the ship down for safety and Müllers appointment would have to be missed. Müller asked to use the chartroom to pray for the lifting of the fog. The captain followed him down, claiming it would be a waste of time. After Müller prayed, the captain started to pray, but Müller stopped him; partly because of the captains unbelief, but mainly because he believed the prayer had already been answered. When the two men went back to the bridge, they found the fog had lifted. The captain became a Christian shortly afterwards. Müllers faith in God strengthened day by day and he spent hours in daily prayer and Bible reading -- indeed, it was his practice, in later years, to read through the entire Bible four times a year. - Steer, p. 177 and Warne, p. 230, from Pray and Be Alone With God By Paul Washer, George Mueller, Dr. Joel Beeke, Charles Spurgeon, Greg Price, John Calvin, Dr. Steven Dilday, William Guthrie, J.C. Ryle, and Others (Free MP3s, Books, Videos) John Calvin on Intimate Prayer by Dr. Joel Beeke (Free MP3) puritandownloads/pray-and-be-alone-with-god-by-paul-washer-george-mueller-dr-joel-beeke-charles-spurgeon-greg-price-john-calvin-dr-steven-dilday-william-guthrie-j-c-ryle-and-others-free-mp3s-books-videos/. This fine message teaches us how to foster intimate communion with God -- and how we can know the sweetness and approachableness of God, as a loving Father, in and through prayer. Calvin was the theologian of prayer. - Dr. Joel Beeke Our prayer must not be self-centered. It must arise not only because we feel our own need as a burden we must lay upon God, but also because we are so bound up in love for our fellow men that we feel their need as acutely as our own. To make intercession for men is the most powerful and practical way in which we can express our love for them. - John Calvin puritandownloads/pray-and-be-alone-with-god-by-paul-washer-george-mueller-dr-joel-beeke-charles-spurgeon-greg-price-john-calvin-dr-steven-dilday-william-guthrie-j-c-ryle-and-others-free-mp3s-books-videos/ The Zealous Christian Holding Communion With God, in Wrestling and Importunate Prayer By Christopher Love (8 Free SWRB MP3s) puritandownloads/the-zealous-christian-holding-communion-with-god-in-wrestling-and-importunate-prayer-by-christopher-love-free-puritan-mp3-audio-book-and-more-free-christian-resources-on-prayer/. Let me tell you how absolutely fantastic the Puritan Hard Drive really is. This is a treasure trove for a local church pastor. The search ability is beyond my expectation. Its absolutely phenomenal. Its the best for the money youll ever get anyplace in books. You cannot exhaust them. Its impossible. Its so vast. But Im telling you, as far as a research tool, its second to none. Unbelievable stuff. And the search, the search function is just beautiful. The Puritan Hard Drive is a treasure trove for a local church pastor. I am greatly improved by it and I anticipate the pace of worldwide reformation to be improved as well. - Pastor Scott Brown (Hope Baptist Church, Wake Forest, NC), Director of The National Center For Family Integrated Churches, Author, Conference Speaker, etc. *** 25% OFF THE SALE PRICE OF ALL USB PURITAN HARD DRIVES AND 2 FOR 1 WITH FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE *** BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND FOR A SHORT TIME *** LOWEST PRICE EVER! *** DOWNLOADABLE PHD ON SALE TOO, FOR JUST $97.97 (WAS $297.97) (WINDOWS) (MAC) *** Reflecting on the Calvinistic doctrines of grace, Muller wrote his diary (1829) the following: Before this period I had been much opposed to the doctrines of election, particular redemption, and final persevering grace; so much so that, a few days after my arrival at Teignmouth, I called election a devilish doctrine. I did not believe that I had brought myself to the Lord, for that was too manifestly false; but yet I held, that I might have resisted finally. And further, I knew nothing about the choice of Gods people, and did not believe that the child of God, when once made so, was safe for ever. In my fleshly mind I had repeatedly said, If once I could prove that I am a child of God for ever, I might go back into the world for a year or two, and then return to the Lord, and at last be saved. But now I was brought to examine these precious truths by the word of God. Being made willing to have no glory of my own in the conversion of sinners, but to consider myself merely as an instrument; and being made willing to receive what the Scriptures said; I went to the Word, reading the New Testament from the beginning, with a particular reference to these truths. To my great astonishment I found that the passages which speak decidedly for election and persevering grace, were about four times as many as those which speak apparently against these truths; and even those few, shortly after, when I had examined and understood them, served to confirm me in the above doctrines. - A Narrative of Some of the Lords Dealings with George Müller as cited from Theopedia at puritandownloads/pray-and-be-alone-with-god-by-paul-washer-george-mueller-dr-joel-beeke-charles-spurgeon-greg-price-john-calvin-dr-steven-dilday-william-guthrie-j-c-ryle-and-others-free-mp3s-books-videos/ It is not the length of your prayer, but the strength of your prayer which wins with God; and the strength of prayer lies in your faith in the promise which you have pleaded before the Lord. - Charles Spurgeon on the Puritan Hard Drive The Comforter (the Holy Spirit) by Charles Spurgeon - Still Waters Revival Books The Puritan Hard Drive software makes looking up authors, books and subjects so simple. - Pastor Phil Gibson (UK) Song of Solomon: Prayer as Communion By Paul Washer (Free MP3 and Video) Scroll down at puritandownloads/pray-and-be-alone-with-god-by-paul-washer-george-mueller-dr-joel-beeke-charles-spurgeon-greg-price-john-calvin-dr-steven-dilday-william-guthrie-j-c-ryle-and-others-free-mp3s-books-videos/. This is a great Sermon! Very needed in todays culture. This sermon helped me in my study of the Bible, because I always viewed the Song of Solomon as only for married people. But now I see that it is also a beautiful book about our relationship with God! - Comment on SermonAudio. A useful related resource is An Exposition of The Song of Solomon by James Durham (on the Puritan Hard Drive at Get books into your houses, when you have not the spring near you, then get some water into your cisterns; so when you have not that wholesome preaching that you desire, good books are cisterns that hold the water of life in them to refresh you; So, when you find a chillness upon your souls, and that your former heat begins to abate, ply yourselves with warm clothes, get those good books that may acquaint you with such truths as may warm and affect your hearts. - Thomas Watson on the Puritan Hard Drive The search tools are, by themselves, well worth the price of the Puritan Hard Drive. - Kevin Guillory (Former Roman Catholic Priest, Now A Protestant Pastor), Redeemer Christian Congregation (Baltimore, MD) Top Ten Puritan Hard Drive Reviews (So Far) Spurgeons Prayers by Charles Spurgeon - Still Waters Revival Books The Treasury of David (7 Volume Set) Spurgeons Commentary On the Psalms by Charles Spurgeon - Still Waters Revival Books The Puritan Hard Drive is the must have digital learning device for Puritan and Reformed studies. - Pastor W.J. Mencarow As the apostle says to Timothy, so also he says to every-one, Give yourself to reading. ... He who will not use the thoughts of other mens brains proves that he has no brains of his own... You need to read. Renounce as much as you will all light literature, but study as much as possible sound theological works, especially the Puritanic writers, and expositions of the Bible... the best way for you to spend your leisure is to be either reading or praying. - Charles Spurgeon Puritan Hard Drive, 12,500 Puritan (Owen, Watson, et al.), Reformation (Calvin, Knox, Luther, et al.), Covenanter (Rutherford, Gillespie), Presbyterian (Hodge), Calvinistic (Edwards), Reformed Baptist (Spurgeon, Bunyan, Pink, et al.) Books, MP3s, Videos, With World-Class Reformation Research and Bible Study Software Its the best for the money youll ever get anyplace in books. - Scott Brown (NCFIC) on the Puritan Hard Drive For solid, sensible instruction, forcibly delivered, they cannot be surpassed. - Charles Spurgeon (On the Puritans And if they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees, imploring them to stop, and not madly to destroy themselves. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unprayed for. - Charles Spurgeon (On the Puritans THE PSALMS OF DAVID IN METRE (Scottish Metrical Psalter of 1650) by the Westminster Assembly, Church of Scotland General Assembly & Francis Rouse, 1646-1650) With Devotional Notes On Each Psalm by John Brown Of Haddington - Still Waters Revival Books This is the Psalter (less Browns notes, which were added later) mandated, approved and used (for public and private worship) by the Westminster Assembly and all those who covenanted to uphold the Biblical Reformation that these Divines proclaimed. The text of the Scottish Metrical Psalms was authorized by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in 1650. The notes added by Brown are suitable for explaining the Psalm before singing and are a great aid to understanding and worship (whether public, family or private). Every song leader (especially fathers for family worship) should have a copy of this edition of the Scottish Psalter with Browns notes. There is no other resource, outside Scripture itself, where you can find so much of Gods truth as in the Puritan Hard Drive. - Pastor Greg Price (Covenanter) Scottish Metrical Psalms (Volumes 1-5 in Five Digital Downloads) A Cappella Psalm Singing From The 1650 Scottish Metrical Psalter (Psalms of David in Metre) by the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland Northern Presbytery Choir - Still Waters Revival Books There has not been a more valuable extra-biblical resource & tool than the Puritan Hard Drive. - Dr. McMahon, A Puritans Mind George Gillespie was one of the Scottish commissioners to the Westminster Assembly, the youngest member there, and undoubtedly one of the most influential. William Hetherington observes the effect produced by this singularly able work (A Dispute Against the English Popish Ceremonies Obtruded on the Church of Scotland-ed.) may be conjectured from the fact that within a few months of its publication, a proclamation was issued by the Privy Council, at the instigation of the Bishops, commanding that all copies of the book that could be found be called in and burned by the hangman. Such was the only answer that all the learned Scottish Prelates could give to a treatise written by a youth who was only in his twenty-fifth year when it appeared. - William Hetherington, Memoir, from the Works of George Gillespie, p. xviii. The most complete collection of classic and rare Puritan and Covenanter works. - Brian Schwertley on the Puritan Hard Drive Top Ten Puritan Hard Drive Reviews (So Far) A Dispute Against the English Popish Ceremonies Obtruded on the Church of Scotland (1637, reprinted from the 1660 edition) by George Gillespie - Still Waters Revival Books I was in Zambia showing the Puritan Hard Drive to Conrad Mbewe (the Spurgeon of Africa) and he absolutely fell in love with it. I simply had to leave it there. - Dr. Voddie Baucham Reformations Refining Fire; or, Iconoclastic Zeal Necessary to World Reformation, A (Puritan Fast) Sermon by George Gillespie, August 27, 1645 Any lover of Puritan literature will find a treasure trove in the Puritan Hard Drive. - Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary The Works of George Gillespie 2 Volume Set - Still Waters Revival Books The Puritan Hard Drive is a magnificent tool for genuine research. - Silversides
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 16:37:00 +0000

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