Those that were unjust to Sayyida Fatima (as) shall appear on the - TopicsExpress


Those that were unjust to Sayyida Fatima (as) shall appear on the Day of Judgement devoid of light on their faces We read in Musnad Ibn Hanbal Volume 12 page 128, (printed Egypt) under the Chapter Musnad Abdullah bin Umro bin Aas: Abdullah narrates at that time of the sun rising I was sitting next to Rasulullah (s) who said ‘Allah (swt) shall raise a people with a leader on The Day of Judgement whose faces shall shine like the sun. Abu Bakr said ‘O Rasulullah (s) are we those people?’ He replied ‘No these are the poor and the Muhajireen are famous on the Earth’. The Ahl’ul Sunnah deem Abu Bakr as the most superior amongst the Sahaba, when this great figures face shall not be illuminated on the Day of Judgement, then the situation of the other members of this party who aided injustice against the daughter of the Prophet will dawn upon them. Abu Bakr usurped the legal right of Sayyida Fatima (as) which led to Imam ‘Ali (as) grading the Khalifa as ‘a liar, sinful, treacherous and dishonest’. We have proven from Hadeeth that the truth and the Qur’an is with ‘Ali (as), is the Great Truthful one and purified in the Qur’an. Shah Abdul Aziz stated that ‘the Ahl’ul Sunnah deem Hadhrat ‘Ali (as) as protected’, the words of Hadhrat ‘Ali (as) are so damning that they make the Hadeeth presented by Abu Bakr false, and make any virtues he possessed null and void. Anyone that Hadhrat ‘Ali (as) deems a liar is also a liar in the eyes of Allah (swt) and his Prophet (s). The Qur’an makes it clear that an unjust person cannot be a Khalifa Whoever committed Kufr was Dhaalim. Whoever did Shirk was a Dhaalim – Abu Bakr perpetuated both acts before embracing Islam, he was a Mushrik and Dhaalim, hence was not entitled to be an Imam over the Ummah. We have no personal grudge with the three Khalifas we bow in servitude at the Judgement of the Qur’an that deems idol worshippers to be Dhaalim and hence are not deserving of the contract of Imamate. If the world appointed the three as Imams then it is worthy to point out that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was also appointed as Imam by the people, there is no difference between Abu Bakr and Mirza since the people appointed them to the Station of Imamate. If man has a right then you should accept both of them, picking differences is an injustice, Alhamdulilah we the Shi’a have rejected both. Those that have incurred Allah (swt)’s wrath are Dhaalim and cannot be deemed as Imams “Ghayr al-Mughdhoobe alayhim wa ladh-Dhualeen” Every Momin who prays five times a day makes this supplication at least 17 times a day before Allah (swt) ‘Guide us to the Right Path…Allow us to follow the footsteps of those that have not unuttered Your wrath’ we have honestly analysed the Qur’an and Sunnah and have concluded that theses words in Surah Fateha place a prohibition on accepting Abu Bakr as an Imam, since Abu Bakr incurred the wrath of the daughter of Rasulullah (s). Those that believe in the truthfulness of Prophet Muhammad (s), and deem his every word as true, are reminded his words recorded in Sahih al Bukhari Volume 5 Hadeeth 61: “Allah’s Apostle said, “Fatima is a part of me, and he who makes her angry, makes me angry.” This Hadeeth makes it clear that Sayyida Fatima (as)’s anger is on par with the anger of Rasulullah (s). This is all the more significant when we recognize that one who incurs the wrath of Rasulullah (s) also incurs the wrath of Allah (swt), and Allah (swt) makes it clear in Surah Fateha that we should steer clear of those that incur the wrath of Allah (swt). If our opponents believe (as is in Sharh Fiqh Akbar) that the Prophet’s parents and Uncle are Kaafirs and this belief does not make them criminals under the Shari’ah then their should be no objection if we believe that the Father in Law has incurred the Wrath of Allah.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 23:42:24 +0000

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