Those who have not voted yet is on my mind. The end to this - TopicsExpress


Those who have not voted yet is on my mind. The end to this campaign is near and without a doubt it has been the most divisive and dishonest display of outlandish behavior fueled by an equally outlandish amount of money pouring in from outside our Arkansas borders. Some of the campaign ads, from both Democratic and Republican candidates, caused some head scratching. However, no amount of bad behavior can top the underhanded and vulgar manipulation of the facts by the the majority of the Republican candidates. Manipulation of religious faith for political gain and the condemning to Hell of your neighbors who might vote differently than you is a horribly, horribly un-Christian and un-ethical practice. Using churches to distribute political propaganda designed to paint your political opponent in a bad light surely has to rate up there with worshipping a false idol? Braying from the street corners of how Christian someone is while using despicable and hateful words to persuade voters how much less of a Christian other are is common place and should cause concern among those who truly care about their neighbors regardless of his/hers political allegiances. One would think voters will ask WHY? Thinking voters will ask, why are the Koch Brothers spending tens of millions of dollars in Arkansas elections? Has anyone on the right hand side of the aisle asked that question? Probably not. It seems that as long as their fortunes are spent criticizing Democrats, especially the President, that all the dishonest trash they heap on Arkansans is justified. In fact their propaganda machine is so effective, it blinds many, not only to their motive, but to their agenda for the future! That is scary. When voters are so overwhelmed by the slander being dished that they ignore what this same type of campaigning has wrought on the state of Kansas its truly sad. Kansas is reeling economically from an agenda pushed on it by the Koch Brothers with the aid of religious extremists. Not Christians, but people posing as Christians for political reasons. There is nothing Christian in a government budget that heaps rewards on the super rich while bemoaning the poorest citizens. The Kochs candidate for the U.S. Senate Tom Cotton, has nothing to offer Arkansans but a march to the bottom of the economic ladder. Attacking a president who is unpopular in Arkansas is not a plan to care for the sick, elderly, disabled or working families. He has no plan to improve the educational system. Mike Ross, the Democratic Candidate for Governor of Arkansas does. Scientific studies results reveal that Pre-K education greatly enhances a young persons chances of becoming a productive member of society. Ross opponent says we cant afford that kind of program, but he is proposing a 100 million dollar cut in taxes that will benefit the upper income levels? This example will hold true across the slate of candidates. Its called Trickle Down Economics and every time its been tried for extended periods--2000-2008, for example its been a horrible failure. But voters are being told by the Koch/Republican candidates that this is what you need more of. And, they are trying in earnest to manipulate people of faith into believing that trickle down is some how more righteous. Convincing voters to vote against their own best interest sounds impossible but it happens, it happened in Kansas and its happened in some areas of Arkansas as well. If one pours enough money into a lie, that lie with extreme amounts of repetition can be perceived as the truth in the political world. I hope the voters who not yet cast their ballot will simply stop a moment on Tuesday and THINK!! THINK! THINK ABOUT WHY GOOD PEOPLE ARE BEING DEMONIZED by the Republican/Koch Party. Why is THINKING so important on Tuesday, because they have spent millions trying to get you to stop THNKING!! They dont want you to THINK, they want you to hate and be angry and that is why they keep changing the subject to President Obama. They are asking that you punish great candidates in Arkansas with proven public policy ideas who want to serve all the people by hating others. They have nothing to offer for our beloved state but more of the bitter pill we had to endure the last time their party occupied the White House. Please vote your conscience on Tuesday and from the Court House to the State House and to the U.S. Congress, please reject the campaign of hate and division and vote for the candidates who wants to end the bi-partisan era that has caused too much damage to families of both Republicans, Democrats and Independents. The Democratic Slate is filled with good people who are qualified, respectable and capable. Good luck on Tuesday and may common sense and fairness prevail.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 12:01:52 +0000

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