Those who lust after power and honour belong to God. Good words - TopicsExpress


Those who lust after power and honour belong to God. Good words ascend to God and good deeds along with them are even better. But those who scheme to do evil will receive severe punishment and all their plans will come to nothing. Q=35:10 If you do not believe, God has no need of you, but God is not pleased when His servants turn away from faith. If you are grateful, however, God will be pleased with you. No one is responsible for the deeds of others, for you all ultimately return to hide within them. Q=39:7 Remember that God created you first from dust, then from an embryonic cluster of cells. Then He made you male and female. No woman ever conceives or gives birth without Gods full knowledge, and no elderly person will live more or less than is recorded in [Gods] book, for such things are easy for God. Remember also that God made two kinds of water on earth for our good. There is the fresh, satisfying water which is pleasant to drink, and the bitter, salty water. Both kind supply fish with meat tender to eat. From both kinds of water-bodies one can extract articles of adornment, and ships also sail on both. All these things are from Gods bounty so that you may be grateful. Q=35:11-12. Have you not seen that God sends down rain to produce fruits of diverse colours, and that God also formed mountains of rock that are white, red-streaked, and of varying colours, as well as black?Similarly, God made humans, cattle and animals of differing colours. Among all humans, only those with real knowledge would revere God. Truly, God is the All-Mighty, the Most Forgiving. Remember also that those who recite from Gods Book [the Quran,] perform daily prayers, and give money to charity, both secretly and in public, from what We have provided are making an excellent investment that will never be lost. God, who is the Most Forgiving and the Most Thankful, will repay their work in full measure and beyond. Q=35:27-30. And for all people We created signs in the dead earth, reviving it and bringing forth grain from the soil for them to eat. We also created earthly gardens of date-palm trees and vineyards, from which springs of water gush forth. All of this We have done, so that people may feed on the fruits of nature and on whatever their human hands can grow. Then will they not be grateful? Give glory to God, who created people and living beings, and even other things that they do not know, all in pairs. Q=36:33-36 Humanity forgets how it has been created and challenges Us by posing questions regarding the Hereafter, such as, Who will revive our bones after they rot? Then answer them: It is God who created you first time, Who is fully knowledgeable of everything in the Universe, Who made fire for you out of green trees, so that you may burn them for fuel. Can the One Creator of the heavens and earth create their like again? Of course God the All-Knowing is forever the Creator, the One who can will the creation of anything by commanding Be and it will be. Therefore, give all glory to God, the One whose hand holds the dominion of everything, and to whom you shall all return. Q=36:78-83. If God had wanted to have a son, He could have chosen one from among what He has created as He wills. But glory to Him who did not do so, who is ever the One God, the Most Supreme. God created the heavens and earth in divine Truth, merging the night into the sphere of the night. As well, the sun and the moon were created to serve you, each moving in its orbit for a definite period of time. And none but the All-Mighty, the Most Forgiving, could create all of humanity from a single soul. From that original soul God created also its mate, creating likewise the cattle in pairs - such as sheep, goat, oxen and camels. God created humans in their mothers wombs, one stage at a time and inside the womb the embryo is protected by three levels of darkness. [This is created by] God your Lord, whose Kingdom is everything. There is no other god but He. Then how could you turn away from [the Truth]? Q=39:4-6. Say, [O Muhammad] to My believing servants, Fear your Lord, for there is a reward awaiting those who do good in this worldly life. Gods earth is a vast space for you to worship, and those who are steadfast, will receive rewards just as vast and limitless. Then say, I, [Mohammad,] am commanded to sincerely worship God and faithfully practice my religion, for i was commanded to be the first Muslim. Q=39:10-12 Have you not seen how God sends down rain from the sky, causing it to flow through the earth as springs, causing plants of diverse colors to spring up, some of which will wither and turn yellow, into dry hay? This is surely a reminder of Gods providence for those who would understand. And have you also seen that whomever has been blessed in his or her mind and heart to accept Islam, has been guided by the light of his Lord? Then woe to those whose hearts have become hardened to forget God, for they are clearly misguided. Q=39:21-22
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 07:32:13 +0000

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