Those who murder others themselves while also turning a blind eye - TopicsExpress


Those who murder others themselves while also turning a blind eye to the murdering others carry out because either they benefit from it or because they couldnt care even if they wanted (or both) and yet call some others terrorists (whether if the accusation has truth or not) even as they spray bullets and drop bombs, can only be uprooted by the return of Islam. And Muslims being quicker to make hypocrites out of their brothers and sisters, who have a lot of good in them but do a wrong (or at least *we think* they did a wrong), than in giving them the benefit of doubt, is definitely not helping any Muslim. There are already more than enough people doing that without us making hypocrites out of our fair share of brothers and sisters too. Its distressing, to say the very least, to see everyone so ready to jump onto each others throat, bashing and abusing and hurling accusations. We know what the truth is, we have the Quran and the Sunnah and the scholars who know it and teach according to it, so we hold onto it and exercise patience and forbearance, and we dont tear each other down when we make a mistake. How is it that when we ourselves would rather get advised/corrected in private rather than being decried in public for our faults, we dont have the sense to extend the same courtesy to our brothers and sisters? And. does our sense of Islamic brotherhood/sisterhood have to come into play, and our ability to tolerate our differences get activated only when we are trapped into a corner as a whole or being crushed like ants beneath boots? We certainly arent helping to make a stronger Ummah with our public berating of fellow Muslims, or our mutual distrust and the resultant character-assassinations. If anyone is happy about it, its none other than those who desire that humanity be their slave, and are single-mindedly orchestrating the demise of Islam and Muslims, turning things to ashes metaphorically and often, literally, whenever they fear Muslims or any others rising to their feet in opposition to the status quo. So, brothers and sisters, #Pleasetorefrain. Please.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 19:34:20 +0000

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