Those who work through and with me from the higher-dimensions had - TopicsExpress


Those who work through and with me from the higher-dimensions had impressed upon me the significance of the numbers 13 and 26. I requested more information and was given this specific channeling: ___ “There are 26 dimensions of which 13 are accessible to humans. Human consciousness consists of 26 dimensional levels. Humans are on the threshold of becoming consciously aware of the existence of all 26 of these dimensions, an awareness anticipated to begin to emerge after the year 2013. Humans are now accessing the final ten of the original 13 dimensions. This is a process few have experienced. Multi-dimensionally connected ancient indigenous cultures and highly advanced spiritual traditions have held and transmitted the energy of all 26, and spoken of such, for as long as souls have inhabited the Earth. Human souls currently residing on the 3rd dimensional level are about to take an evolutionary leap into the fourth, and many will very quickly ascend to fifth dimensional consciousness. There are 26 dimensions of consciousness. Human consciousness en-masse has been located at the third dimensional level which has been dominated by the left brain. In the coming decades many humans will access fifth-dimensional consciousness, thus experience an exponential increase in right brain activity. 5th-dimensional consciousness will support humanity to evolve at an unprecedented speed, and the human brain will increase its awakened and functioning capacity to more than the current (approximate) 3%. A significant percentage of humanity will prepare to align with 6th/7th/8th and 9th dimensional levels of consciousness owing to the increase of activity in the human brain. Humans will begin to recognise the importance of uniting the left and right brain hemispheres as a way forward for the uniting of the east and western hemispheres of the globe. Ultimately, enough of humanity will experience a perfect sychronisation within the brain to effect the uniting of the global hemispheres. This will signal an impending wave shift (incremental waves of conscious awakening at various stages on humanitys timeline - decades/centuries/millennia) in collective consciousness ascension through the remaining 13 dimensions, at which point humanity will pass through the 13th-dimensional gateway and into the 13-26-dimensional levels of conscious evolution. This will herald the final stages of human conscious evolution, and life on Earth as it has been experienced throughout time. This future reality is not a new idea but one recognised by highly advanced ancient and indiginious wisdom cultures and super- evolved incarnate Souls throughout millennia. ___ (Channeled 2008 and retuned/refined 2014)
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 09:17:56 +0000

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