“Thou shall not complain!!” That was from my wonderful cook, - TopicsExpress


“Thou shall not complain!!” That was from my wonderful cook, Charity, yesterday! I love this woman! She keeps me healthy and strong, as she prepares the most delicious Nigerian foods with lots of veggies for me, without oil, and our green smoothies! Yesterday, as she planned to make the smoothie, she starts telling me what we didn’t have, “No bananas, no mangos, no celery, no apples.” I then added, “No complaints! We’ll just use what we have!” We ended up having it with lots of greens, cucumbers and oranges and it was perfect! I love living in Nigeria as it has taught me to be grateful and content, no matter what I have, or the situation! And I’m trying my best not to complain about anything! I left work a little early to wash my hair on Friday. I love this alone time as I relax in my bathroom with a good book, as I wait for a hair treatment to sit for a while. By the time I got in the tub, I realized there was no hot water! The heater was not left on during the day. ‘Ok, what do I do now? I can’t possibly wash my hair in cold water!!!’ I thought. Then I caught myself, ‘That was a complaint!’ and I changed that thought to, ‘Thank You, God, I have water!’ Honestly guys, I didn’t even miss the warm water! It was quite a refreshing change! At one point, it even got completely dark as I sat there with no electricity! My daughter comes in, “Can we turn on the generator please, mom?” I didn’t even remember that we could do that, I was just enjoying washing my hair and thinking quietly to myself! Yesterday, I even had no fuel in my car to go out on a special trip we make every Saturday, as there are longs queues right now for gas. Instead of being upset, as I was on my hubby about this from the day before, I simply said, this is God’s will for us today to stay home and we had a beautiful day together. I even got a chance to have a really good conversation with the person who’s collaborating with me on the ‘We Go With God’ book! My hubby came later and brought home some roasted chicken. We all gathered around the table and ate our chicken and we were very happy! Thou shall not complain!! WE GO WITH GOD!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 14:15:22 +0000

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