Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of - TopicsExpress


Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me. — Exodus 20:4-6 (KJV). The Norse god Odin was hung on a tree between heaven and earth and pierced by a spear. From that act, he learned the knowledge necessary to rule the universe. Jesus was also hung on a tree between heaven and earth and pierced by a spear before reacquiring dominion over creation. The sacrifice of Odin/The God of the hanged: The Norse god Odin was hung on a tree between heaven and earth and pierced by a spear. From that act, he learned the knowledge necessary to rule the universe. Jesus was also hung on a tree between heaven and earth and pierced by a spear before reacquiring dominion over creation. . In Rúnatal, a section of the Hávamál, Odin is attributed with discovering the runes. In a sacrifice to himself, the highest of the gods, he was hanged from the world tree Yggdrasil for nine days and nights, pierced by his own spear, in order to learn the wisdom that would give him power in the nine worlds. Nine is a significant number in Norse magical practice (there were, for example, nine realms of existence), thereby learning nine (later eighteen) magical songs and eighteen magical runes. One of Odins names is Ygg, and the Norse name for the World Ash —Yggdrasil— therefore could mean Yggs (Odins) horse. Another of Odins names is Hangatýr, the god of the hanged. Tertullian even confessed that pagans worshipped crucified saviors hanging on a cross. The general impression among Christians today is that the difference between todays Christianity and Paganism is so great that any similarity between them is scarcely recognizable. This, however, is far from the truth. The more knowledgeable a Christian becomes with todays Christianity, the more they realize that it is the end result of a continuous effort to appease the pagan Romans in order to gain their support. This has regrettably resulted in the foisting upon Jesus and his apostles the pre-existent beliefs of ancient paganism. The established beliefs of these pagans were inserted into the word of God and its religious practices through the agency of many centuries of divine inspiration to the Church. The knowledgeable Christian scholars are the most well-acquainted with this fact. The great luminary of the Church, Saint Augustine (354-430 C.E.), is quoted to have said The same thing which is now called CHRISTIAN RELIGION existed among the ancients. They have begun to call Christian the true religion which existed before. The cross is a pagan symbol that was adored in Egypt thousands of years before Jesus was born. The Roman Catholic Church adopted the cross symbol at least 600 years after Jesus was supposedly crucified. Even the early Christians of North Africa rejected the wooden cross after Tertullian condemned it. Tertullian confessed that pagans worshipped crucified saviors hanging on a cross. Crosses, moreover, we Christians neither venerate nor wish for. You indeed who consecrate gods of wood venerate wooden crosses, perhaps as parts of your gods. For your very standards, as well as your banners, and flags of your camps, what are they but crosses gilded and adorned? Your victorious trophies not only imitate the appearance of a simple cross, but also that of a man affixed to it. The pagan roots of Christianity are clearly indicated by this confession. Tertullian was a Christian who later became a Gnostic. He implies that Christians borrowed the sun-god myth. The ancient Egyptians adopted the cross as a religious symbol of their pagan gods. Countless Egyptian drawings depict themselves holding crosses in their hands. Among Thieves. Egyptian savior Horus is depicted holding a cross in his hand. He is also depicted as an infant sitting on his mothers knee with a cross on the seat they occupy. The most common of the crosses used by these pagan Egyptians, the CRUX ANSATA, was later adopted by the Christians. The Egyptian savior, Osiris, the Egyptian god of the dead and the underworld, is sometimes represented holding out this cross to mortals signifying that this person has discarded mortality for the life to come. Another cross has been unearthed in Ireland. It belongs to the cult of the Persian god of the sun Mithra and bears a crucified effigy. The Greeks and Romans too adopted the cross as their religious symbol many centuries before Christianity did the same. An ancient inscription in Tessaly is accompanied by a Calvary cross. More crosses can be found to adorn the tomb of king Midas in Phrygia. The Norse god Odin was hung on a tree between heaven and earth and pierced by a spear. From that act, he learned the knowledge necessary to rule the universe. Jesus was also hung on a tree between heaven and earth and pierced by a spear before reacquiring dominion over creation.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 11:03:27 +0000

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