Though I did not grow up in Bluffton during my childhood, it is - TopicsExpress


Though I did not grow up in Bluffton during my childhood, it is really nice to be remembered and stay in contact with some of the teachers from the high school that really helped to shape and change my life. Though I may not have said it then, and though I may not have got the best grades in your classes, I do want to say to Al Wright and Steve Stitzel, thank you for remembering me, noting me, and working with me when I was but a youngster underneath your proverbial wing, I always liked you guys! Though sadly time has moved on, we cant live in the awesomeness that was high school for ever, and sadly, times too have changed, and school aint half the fun it used to be. Kits dont have to misalign their spines any more just to get their books to school, nor can they be spanked, or even verbally corrected in some schools. People can say all that they want, but I personally want to thank Al for that time when he forced my hand on a Bunsen burner for not answering the biology question correctly when it came my turn to answer. Let me tell you, I remembered by next time that the answer was in fact Zebra! Had it not been for Al, I would have never known it it was for Zebras that cows sleep standing up. I mean, would you have known?! I sure didnt! Likewise, the time he cracked me over the head with a two headed pig corpse preserved in a jar... ...well that really taught me the importance of sanitary napkins in the emergency ward. I also did not want to leave Steve out of this, as those two long weeks chained down the boiler room really provided me with a lot of insight in regards to what I wanted to be when I grew up... ... a daffodil. Thanks Steve, you rule!!! There are many other teachers I could thank, and many more tales I could share, but I just wanted to take a moment to speak out for these guys and give them the credit I failed to give them when I was but a young dolphin, trying to survive without a proper environment. Thank you two, you changed my life!!!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 01:08:24 +0000

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