Though I do not have cable to watch this, this is an excellent - TopicsExpress


Though I do not have cable to watch this, this is an excellent critique of the Revelation: End of Days. ALWAYS use the spirit of discernment when it comes to secular productions about Gods Holy Writ. The History Channels Distorted Prophecy...Use Biblical Discernment Written by Phillip Goodman - End Times Biblical Scholar: If you are tuned into the special End Of Days on the famously secularized History Channel, watch it through Biblical eyes--not secular-scholastic, not earthbound-humanistic, not religious --but Biblical eyes. The first segment, Rise Of The Antichrist, aired Sunday. Many of todays true Bible-believing prophecy teachers make a fundamental mistake in this regard. They agree to appear in these worldly-hollywood-driven productions based on the rationale that At least they will hear our point of view and get the truth. That seldom happens. The message will say exactly what the secular-religious minded producers want it to say. And it wont be Biblical. These clever anti-Biblical filmmakers control 1) the Context, and 2) the Editing. This series is not different. Any Biblical-Dispensational voices are projected as religious-bafoons through clever editing (often the Bible believing interviewee achieves this buffoonery themselves without any need for editing). It is a mistake to team up with the world on projects like these. One may object that My goal is not the same as the Bible-debunking History Channel, therefore I am not teaming up with them. However, as already stated, the Bible believers message and goal will be not be what they intend. It will be what the History Channel intends. The Bible believers words will be contextually bent toward the fringe of religious zealotry or ideological buffoonery. The believers Biblical message will be edited to reflect the low side of the intelligence quotient. Since the History Channel controls the goal and the message, one is de-facto teaming up with them, like it or not. Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? (2 Corinthians 6:14) In particular, when watching this kind of tripe with a Biblical-eye, one will pick up the scriptwriter slant when Bible believers are referred to as prophecy popularizers, while the Seminary-bred Bible-skeptics are elevated as academics and scholars. The message of Bible prophecy is declared to have originated within the past 150 years with John Darby or someone, and is associated with the lunatic fringe of Date-setters and sensationalists. Without using these words-- Preterism, Historicism, Mysticism, et al,-- these scholarly philosophies are declared to be the true view of Daniel and Revelation. In the process, the actual words of Jesus Christ Himself on the very subject of prophecy are smothered under a cloud of allegory. Scripture is treated like an outdated footnote by the History Channel narrator. The victims of all of this? Masses of people searching for meaning in todays world of chaos...Exactly the kind of chaos specified in Biblical prophecy to characterize the days leading up to the Second Coming of Christ. One last thought. I just came from a meeting of Bible-believers who are also first rate scholars, subjecting their scholarship to belief in the plain spoken words of Scripture. At the Pre-Trib Study Group Conference in Dallas, the focus centers on the plain-spoken words of the Bible. Several of our Speakers at our up-coming Mid-America Prophecy Conference have debated and debunked, from Scripture, these History Channel types in both print and live media/conference forums. Yours in Christ, Phillip Goodman. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10152961002038147&set=a.49360508146.58278.780278146&type=1&theater
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 02:07:16 +0000

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