Though painful that United State President Mr. Obama did not - TopicsExpress


Though painful that United State President Mr. Obama did not include Nigeria in his itinery during the visit to Africa in scheduled 2013 trip. It iis very sad but at the same time welcome because if the world are progressing and Nigeria going down, then how in his or right senses will want to risk the life of his/her president? How can Obama visit a country that cannot pass a simple arithmetic whereby 16 on consensus is perceived greater than 19 on election, where a state commissioner does not respect the office of state governor, where state governors are suspended for saying the truth and where a president does not respect the rule of law and many more sins of this current administration. That is the cross we have to accept for now until the right thing is done in Nigeria and Nigeria should not be seen always as family affairs. If we cannot learn the true democracy from US we intrend to copy from then our country is not worth visiting by a responsible president like the Unuted State of America. PM Cameron of UK vistd only lagos last timebu culd not visit Aso Rock bcause h nevr wantedto be contaminated by irresponsible desease. We should learn and define the way forward in 2015 ou of religious, ethnic and tribal sentiment, we the curren generation have been a victim religious madness, ethnic stupidty andtribal nonsense, so it is new to build a futre for our children and the unborn. Welcome to Senegl, South Africa and Tanzania Obama. I was in Ghana in you last visit and do hope to be in Tanzania if my work permit.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 11:34:24 +0000

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