Though reunification of India as per tym of Great Ashoka will - TopicsExpress


Though reunification of India as per tym of Great Ashoka will bring lot of problem but my views in this regard is similar to that of Shri #Markandey Katju ji. some people may say this as Utopian I really suport n dream of India wat is being expressed by katju sir. ************************************************ The Kashmir Issue The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Nawaz Sharif has raised the Kashmir issue again, this time in the U.N. General Assembly. Let me tell everyone, particularly Kashmiris, the truth : the only solution to the Kashmir problem is reunification of India and Pakistan ( and Bangladesh ) under a strong, secular, modern minded government which will not tolerate religious extremism of any kind, and crush it with an iron hand. There is no other solution. Pakistan is really no country at all. It is a fake, artificial, entity created by the British to keep Hindus and Muslims fighting each other so that India ( of which Pakistan and Bangladesh are really a part ) may not emerge as a modern, powerful highly industrialized state, like China, of which it has now all the potential, considering our huge pool of engineers and scientists, and immense natural resources. What is Pakistan ? It is Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and NWFP. These were all part of India in the time of Ashoka ( his edicts are still found there), in the time of Akbar, and in British times. The British artificially engineered religious hatred between Hindus and Muslims through their agents and agent provocateurs after the great Mutiny of 1857. The divide and rule policy began after 1857 ( see online History in the Service of Imperialism by B.N. Pandey ). In that Mutiny Hindus and Muslims fought jointly against the British. After crushing the Mutiny the British decided that the only way to control India was divide and rule. All communal riots begin after that date. The British Collector would secretly call the Hindu Pandit, give him some money, and ask him to speak against Muslims, and similarly he would secretly call the Muslim Maulana, give him money, and ask him to speak against Hindus. Agent provocateurs would throw slaughtered cows bodies into Hindu temples, and play loud music before mosques at prayer time. The 1909 Minto Morley Reforms introduced separate electorates for Hindus and Muslims. All this resulted in the Partition of India in1947 on the basis of the bogus two nation theory ( that Hindus and Muslims are two separate nations ), and creation of a fake, artificial entity called Pakistan ( see my article The Truth about Pakistan . It was published in the Pakistani newspaper The Nation, and is also available online ). In fact when I meet Pakistanis I feel no different from them. We look like each other, talk in the same language Hindustani, eat the same food, have the same culture e.g. love of Urdu poetry and Hindustani classical music, etc In foreign countries when Indians and Pakistanis meet they feel no different from each other. We were befooled and taken for a ride by the Britishers, but how long further must we remain befooled ? How much longer must we be made to fight with each other ? Some people say that Partition took place long ago in 1947, and now after 67 years the clock cannot be set back. My answer is (1) China has still not recognized Taiwan as a separate country, though they were divided in 1945, and (2) Pakistan was created for the very purpose that there should not be peace in this sub continent ( so that India, of which Pakistan is really a part, does not emerge as a modern powerful industrial state ). So should we remain befooled and keep fighting each other till eternity ? I appeal to Kashmiris in particular to stop being befooled by the separatist leaders who have only their own agenda and vested interests. All Kashmiris should now demand reunification of India and Pakistan ( and Bangladesh ) under a strong secular modern minded government which will not tolerate religious extremism of any kind. That is the only solution to the Kashmir problem, as well as many other problems.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 04:51:57 +0000

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