Though scientists are averse to God terminology, what they seek is - TopicsExpress


Though scientists are averse to God terminology, what they seek is Truth and therefore what they seek is God beyond religions. Stephen Hawking concluding his book “Brief History of Time” said “ However if we do discover a complete theory . it should in time be understandable in broad principle by every one, not just few scientist. Then we shall all, philosophers, scientist, and just ordinary people, be able to take part in the discussion of the question of why it is that we and the universe exist. If we find the answer to that, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason- for then we would know the Mind of God”. Today Black holes are challenged, Big Bang Theory is not perceivable, Inflationary Theory is challenged. Temples that advocates String and Ekpyrotic Theory seem to fail to comprehend their discovery in simplicity - Key to cosmic Truth is Re-Imagination of gravity and its unity with electromagnetism. This can bring unity of various concepts of science to rediscover Black hole, singularity, Big Bang. Ekpyrotic Scenario, Self organizing universe, Electric universe and unite it with Spiritual knowledge of the ancient east. The first step towards this goal is to stop trying to bottle Nature and God into some mathematical language. The second step is dissolve into His or God’s being. This is how the east approached the basic question and emerged with a Living Universe Theory. The approach of modern scientific world could be compared to five blind man touching an elephant and describing it. If the modern scientific world has to perceive the reality of nature it has to unlearn, review perceive the limitation of the school and chairs to which they are tied and break loose from it to enter the freedom of nature. The next step is flow with spirit that governs nature and get enlightened. Einstein said Logic takes you from A to B and but imagination takes you everywhere. It can take you to the realm of the smallest to vastness of the universe. It can reveal the PRINCIPLE and DESIGN and its working. You can see Mind of God working everywhere. – let us introspect review and break loose to be in nature to see the simplicity behind the complexity we have made out of nature and God in our quest to conquer nature and our quest to build our kingdoms -scribd/doc/241535317/Re-Imagination-of-Gravity-and-Electromagnetism
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 17:51:46 +0000

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