Thought #12 — Alone or in a team? For in this the saying is - TopicsExpress


Thought #12 — Alone or in a team? For in this the saying is true: “One sows and another reaps.” I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored, and you have entered into their labors. — John 4.37,38 Ah, the joys (and sorrows) of teamwork! One sows and another reaps. God created human beings, and the entire world where they live, interconnected and interdependent. Nothing and no one on this planet lives alone. The greatest scientists, inventors and discoverers of human history are commonly credited for their achievements. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, but for such, he gathered knowledge from over twenty other inventors before him. Zidane is the king of soccer, but he was backed by dozens of players who helped him get where he is today. The Lord Jesus is perhaps the greatest and best example of all. When He came into the world, instead of working alone, He immediately formed a team of twelve assistants. It is true that in the beginning they were helped, rather helpers… Patiently, Jesus believed in them and turned those men into leaders, though one got lost. This shows that not even God, being all-powerful and self-sufficient, chooses to work alone. All of us must learn to work in a team because there is no other option in life. Marriage, family, school, work, business, church… teams, teams and teams everywhere. This thought of Jesus teaches that it doesn’t matter if you sow and another reaps, or vice versa. No one is greater or better than the other. We must learn to appreciate the worth of each person, and be able to work in a team—as a leader or a team member. Application: Identify the teams you already belong to and see if you have contributed to them. Watch out for possible individualistic attitudes you may be having when in fact you should accept more help, teach others or learn from others. Do you work well in a team? Are you a valuable member of it? Do people miss you when you do not attend a meeting? Do you tend to do everything yourself or do you form a team to help you? What could you do when you lose your patience with people who do not learn quickly?
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 14:28:16 +0000

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