Thought and Poem: June 29, 2014 Have you ever had a situation - TopicsExpress


Thought and Poem: June 29, 2014 Have you ever had a situation where you can’t imagine what you can do to meet someone half way? Such can be the case with people. It is normal to want to be liked by everyone you work with, go to school with or even live with. The more stresses that weigh on people’s minds; it seems to be more and more difficult it is to get people to want “talk to one another.” This may mean you can forget about trying to build relationships with them. Most of us are around people every day so it can be challenging to keep a balanced view of our emotions when people disappoint us. We think because someone won’t greet us or look our way when we are around them, that they have a “problem” of some kind with us. We start going through the vaults of our yesterdays and try to uncover what we might have done, said or not done or said that makes people not want to be around us. After much soul searching, we might have to face the fact that we may have said or done nothing to cause others to not want to be our friends. For some reason, they are just not interested. Plain and simple! Because we haven’t walked in the other person’s shoes, we never want to judge them and put up road blocks and dwell on the idea that we will never be friends. Some people just do not click with one another and no matter how nice you are, what you gift to them or how hard you try to impress them when you are around them quite simply put…you can’t please everyone. Still, if you are a people person you might spend much time and energy trying to solve the “riddle.” We have difficulty accepting that someone is not wanting to be friends with us. We feel rejected and do our utmost to try to remedy the situation. Sometimes, there just are no answers to find. It might mean we have to walk away and put it on the “back burner,” for another period of time. What about you? When you have that “rejected” feeling because someone who you are in the company with, doesn’t find a connection with you, what helps you to move on from the moment and not think another minute about it? Share your thoughts with us…Jeanne Claire Probst Poem: Look the Other Way We all want to be like We may try to be nice But not matter how hard we may try to get others to be our friends, Their rejection of the idea sends you off the deep end. We start blaming ourselves for how they may feel, We may try to pass it off as no big deal, But when there really is nothing you can do to change their response, You really need to walk away and move on. For some, this is even harder to do, When someone ignores you, So you do double duty and try to impress, And work overtime trying to force the issue and fail in your quest. So we need to understand that not all people will want to click with us, And they don’t have to, so why such a fuss, Use you energy to help you get through your own day, And when others block you out…just look the other way and know you will be okay. Jeanne Claire Probst
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 22:12:55 +0000

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