Thought and Poem – December 2, 2014 It is funny how each of - TopicsExpress


Thought and Poem – December 2, 2014 It is funny how each of the seasons heightens your senses and you become more aware of what is going on around you. Certain smells will signal that if you have a tradition that these inspire…now is the time to do them. There is a time a place for everything and during the winter months we have those “everything’s” we like to do or make, one which includes knowing when is the right time to make chicken soup, when to start a fire in your wood stove, and when to keep the water hot in the tea kettle on the stove. Who doesn’t love the smell of the garlic and onions as they flavor the chicken, potatoes, carrots, corn, celery, and whatever else you might add to your pot along with other seasonings? I do. And even more, I love eating it with some nice warm homemade bread. There are other smells that come with the winter season, such as the smell of snow in the air, the smoke filling your house because you did not adjust the draft thingy correctly, or the smell of Ben Gay ointment that has been rubbed on someone’s body to relieve their aches and pains caused by the strains of shoveling the snow. I love the smell of Vick’s Vapor Rub myself when I get feeling like a cold or flu coming on. What about you? What scents float around your home in the wintertime? Share your thoughts with us…Jeanne Claire Probst The Howling Wind The wind is howling outside my window, It is hard to tell if it will bring more rain or snow. But I can tell you what I do know, Wind blowing around our house means it is going to be cold. Chicken soup is cooking on the stove; the kettle’s lid is letting off some steam, There is nothing like a nice bowl of hot soup, to warm cold, and aching bodies, Along with the soup, a cup of hot coffee, cocoa or tea, will aid in our getting some relief. The tea kettle is whistling its song, letting us know the hot water is ready. The curtains by the windows are dancing slightly, As the wind blows against her panes, I can feel her breeze. We gather around the wood stove that is piping hot, and giving off some nice heat, The rocking chairs that surround the stove are occupied; those sitting in them are wrapped in quilts, the chairs are creaking. The wind is howling, The aroma from the chicken soup cooking, The tea kettle singing, The wood stove, the creaking rocking chairs, the warm quilts, and a book all are part of a winter scene. Jeanne Claire Probst
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 00:51:14 +0000

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