Thought and Poem – November 25, 2014 Does it ever feel to you - TopicsExpress


Thought and Poem – November 25, 2014 Does it ever feel to you like the world is getting all nut-so and spinning out of control? That if you should want to appear that you are trying to fit in with the other humans on this planet you would have to do your best at being…crazy? Okay...I certainly can do the crazy thing. To tell you the truth, I am real good at it and I am an expert at doing crazy should you need any help. “Crazy” and I have been together for a very long time. Being “crazy” is not how you get when you are being silly or perhaps when cycling in one of your delusional moods. No, being “crazy” can be hard to identify and may be hard to notice because you dont appear any different than those around you. What exactly does crazy look and feel like, and how does one know they have joined the million other “crazy” people on the planet? For one, you have reached the “crazy” status when there are no medications that will help change things around for you. Two, you don’t notice when you have a shirt on backwards, or if it is inside out…and when someone tells you of such…you just look at yourself and say…”It looks okay to me?” Three, you don’t even have to open your mouth to say something before your family and friends start rolling their eyes (big clue). Four, when your children ask you to drop them off a block from where they have to be picked up or simply tell you they will find their own way to wherever they are going. But hey, in this modern world where everyone has to have whatever everyone else has like the latest iPhones, car, the good job, nice house and whatever else is out there. So tell me why do we have to be alarmed if and when we find ourselves getting “crazier” by the minute? Who would notice anyway? What about you? Do you get alarmed when you don’t see yourself going “nut-so” and you find that you do not stand out as different as those around you anymore? Share your thoughts with us…Jeanne Claire Probst Going Insane? When you feel as if you are going insane Most times, being human is to blame. With life getting crazier everyday It is impossible not to end up this way! We’ve all heard the saying, “if you can’t beat them, join them.” Well, this is not one category that I with others wish to blend. I have earned my “stripes” and after all my gripes If I want to, I can go insane alone….it is my life! Well, okay, you can join me if you want to There is not much that you have to do Most of what you needed to get to this point has already been done I am sure you’ve done your share of crazy things by this time…and then some. No need to fret, feel remorse or regret Insanity is a condition that others like you just seem at some point in their lives to get. It hits the best of us when we least expect And we do some crazy stuff we wish we could forget. So if you’re feeling like you are going insane You probably know where you are in the stage of this game No need to keep track of where you are going next The doctor will write you a prescription for some “nice” pills and get you a room Where you can put your life on hold and get a very nice long rest…it will be for the best! Jeanne Claire Probst
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 01:31:52 +0000

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