Thought for Today: We may think weve buried yesterdays pain, - TopicsExpress


Thought for Today: We may think weve buried yesterdays pain, but until we do the inner work, confronting false beliefs and fears, those issues remain near the surface, an ever-present etching upon our subconscious. They color our experiences and perspectives. The most loving and beautiful people can be negatively impacted by the past negativities that have not been conquered or examined. Ive seen peace and potential interrupted by the things that lay buried beneath the surface of our present acceptance of personal reality. In times of doubt, or in times that trigger these subconscious negativities, those who are in denial may find themselves reacting in ways that are counterproductive to their own growth and current-day belief systems. Sometimes the most beautiful souls, who live in loving or positive ways on a daily basis, will react in hurtful, deceitful, or self-destructive ways... so dramatically in opposition to the character we may typically associate with them, or in opposition to the self-image they identify, and wish to project to others. They may inadvertently preclude themselves from experiencing joy and happiness. They may miss out on growth and positive opportunities, relationships, and experiences... All because the negativities of their past, that lie dormant, have the power to trigger emotions and reactions that cause them fear. Of course, because these past negativities are either denied or unidentified, those same people are unaware. They do not realize the fear they have manifested through subconscious patterning, nor do they understand the etiology of their own reactions. Part of the human journey lies within those repeated patterns that we accept as part of our legacy. We are creatures of habit; creatures who prefer and enable the comfort provided by the repetition. Typically, we fear change because we fear what we do not understand, or know, or hold within the core of our teachings and belief structures. We will remain mired in the comfort of the repeated patterns, even if that patterning is causing us pain. Why? We rationalize and accept this human plight because it is adopted by the masses as normal or traditional. What we dont realize is that a majority of our suffering is self-imposed because we do not challenge what has been handed down to us, generation after generation. We limit our personal and collective potential, believing that our human and physical identity is quantified and defined in ways that prohibit the element of the divine nature within. We are taught, albeit without malicious intent, that this is who we are; that we have to continue our human legacy of limitation. Opening to new beliefs and concepts may further be dissuaded by fears that have been taught to us through our families, ethnicities, cultures, and religions. For example, if we challenge what most hold as truth, we may be criticized, ostracized, or go to hell. We may also be afraid to admit to ourselves and others that we are flawed, that we may have hurt others or made up lies. We may believe that our character, reputation, or personal identity has to be perfect and that if we show weakness or limitation, others will reject us. Because of these fears, we have a propensity to quickly find ways to project, blame, or run from anything that could reveal the humanness of our identity. In reality, what we do not understand is that the divine within all of us is omnipresent and that others are much more accepting and understanding of our weaknesses than we are to ourselves; that honesty and vulnerability will not diminish us, but will be respected and encouraged, if we have the strength within to allow others to see these traits. Those who may find fault, criticize, or reject us will appear, but we need to be able to accept that they are not people who we should encourage in our lives. We may have to part ways with those who diminish us, in order for there to be room for people who will encourage our strengths and growth. When we fear these truths, we more deeply ingrain the subconscious thoughts and beliefs that hold us back and continue to fester within our being. Searching for the higher self within, and then believing in this aspect of our physical identity, takes courage, because it also means that we are limitless in our potential and abilities. It means that we have choices in making decisions about how we think, act, and believe. It may mean challenging ages-old religious or familial doctrines. It may mean accepting an entirely new and broader definition of our personal identity. Accepting personal accountability means that we are the pilots of our own lives, experiences, and destiny. It means that we are able to change our life circumstances and that our efforts to do so are embedded within a new understanding of a personal identity. It means that our own choices, positive or negative, are those that predetermine our life experiences and that we can no longer project upon, or blame others for any negativity we may endure. What a radical concept for most of us who have learned to look upon all the OUTSIDE influences within our personal sphere, that we believe have caused us suffering! Even in the midst of a painful experience that involves the interaction of people and circumstances beyond our control, such as a natural disaster, abuse, violence, betrayal, etc... The individual is responsible for the choices he or she makes in how they view, react, and identify with that suffering. While another person or situation may have inflicted pain, or been a factor in our personal negativity, how WE think and react has the most dramatic energy and impact. We do, indeed, have choices, and within those choices, we determine whether or not we learn and grow, or whether we carry with us scars, wounds, and victimization. As painful as self-examination and accountability may be, this inner work is vitally important for personal and spiritual growth. Until we have the courage to truly let go of the past, through deep inner work, our lives will be lived on the surface of our reality. The past negativities, pain, and emotional or mental junk are catalogued and filed within our subconscious. It cannot be released until we make the choice to do so. Until we do, those subconscious files will continue to hold us back from experiencing life to its fullest. We, as humans living in the conditioning and acceptance of spiritual ignorance, will find repetition of negative experiences occurring, and then lament our lives. This is how it works. If we are honest, we can scan our own history and current life experiences and recognize how often a familiar and recurring negative may rear its ugly head. The repetition occurs because we are here to learn and grow. Our attention is called to areas that need healing, causing us to experience similar circumstances repeatedly. Its a spiritual reminder; a spiritual wake-up call or alert system, so to speak. When we do not recognize the significance of these repetitions and how we need to look at our own wounds and false beliefs, we tend to deny our personal involvement or we believe we are victims. More importantly, we transmute these experiences into fears and begin to shape our perception of reality based upon these fears. For example, with the high rate of divorce and failed relationships, we may experience similar and/or multiple failures in our interactions. Unless we examine our own false beliefs and wounds that have contributed to these failures, we will continue to pull in people, who reflect back to us, those wounds within that need healing. Until we can see, in gut-wrenching honesty, what we are carrying within, that causes us to pull in people who are not positive, we may begin to fear ALL relationships. We may look for fault in others, become jaded, or carry out self-fulfilling prophesies that doom us to failure, based upon the fears we have created through our denial of facing our personal wounds. Sadly, we may reject or ignore the potential for happiness and a relationship that can be divinely-inspired because it is more comfortable to experience what is familiar than challenge our own beliefs. The unaware among us, in times of pain, will blame others, make excuses, or tell themselves lies because, as humans, we avoid the painful. The wounded people are the ones who also wound others, knowingly or by default. Instead of finding ways to avoid these lessons or instead of finding ways to self-soothe, that may be counterproductive, we need to remember that the most difficult experiences are here to teach us. We stand to find the most growth, love, peace, and wisdom if we have the courage to face this truth. The highest enlightenment and growth is offered to us in the midst of the deepest pain, if we have the fortitude to face it. Instead of projecting or blaming, we can ask ourselves: What am I to learn and what is it about ME that I need to heal? Instead of immediately finding the fault in outside people and experiences, or instead of finding ways to run from, or bury our pain... Switching our inner dialogue to this awareness will yield amazing insights and healing. *Do we have the conviction and intention to begin in this moment? *Do we have an honest desire to heal, to live life fully and lovingly? *Do we really want to be a positive influence and have a positive impact upon the world? *Do we truly want to experience and BE LOVE? Its our choice and it can begin right now. Our thoughts create our reality. This we know to be true. Ponder and meditate upon this today... and then, consider that even those thoughts and emotions that are subconscious, buried deep within, also have a powerful effect upon the circumstances of our human journey.... Positive or negative! The first step in healing is our heartfelt WANT for truth and love to surround us. ~ The second step is opening to deeper insights and beliefs beyond our surface beliefs, and in so doing, challenge our fears. ~ Thirdly, we need to have the INTENTION to want to grow and to learn and to understand. .....In that moment of putting forth the intentions, we begin a miraculous process whereby God offers us opportunities to fulfill those intentions. .... Our job is to open our hearts, our eyes, our ears, our senses, and our mind... To be alert and receptive. The answers will be there, sometimes, in the most unlikely circumstances, if we are receptive. When the student ready and willing, teachers and wisdom will appear. When our desire is to live in honesty and love, that desire is answered in miraculous ways. Honesty with self is the catalyst and spiritual food that will feed our endeavors. Peace, love, and wisdom lie in wait when we are able to confront the fears and false beliefs; when we love ourselves enough to accept the responsibility for our own growth and healing. ️️Blessings and Love! ❤️~ KathyLee
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 22:30:09 +0000

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