Thought for Today While were talking about South America... and - TopicsExpress


Thought for Today While were talking about South America... and politics.... wsj/articles/petrobras-ceo-finds-herself-in-crosshairs-1418787575?mod=WSJ_Business_LatestHeadlines And.... ft/intl/cms/s/0/82b0d258-6803-11e4-bcd5-00144feabdc0.html Good thing we dont have THAT kind of corruption in the U.S., right? I mean... Brazilian President Roussef... and Lula before her... the great Progressive Liberal saviors of the people that they are... seem to be liars... who were stealing money to line their own pocketses and feather their own nests.... While the poor... starved.... Still... they CLAIMED to be the Friends of the Poor.... And lied... and cheated... and got re-elected.... But... in America... we could NEVER have scandals involving corruption... of people highly placed in our Progressive Liberal administration... because WE have the Justice Department protecting us.... This is a bit of a chain of events.... prweek/article/1325068/judge-rules-chevrons-favor-case-against-ecuador-mcsquared businessweek/articles/2014-07-14/ecuadors-pricey-pr-fuels-fight-against-chevron-in-pollution-case businessweek/articles/2014-07-01/litigation-finance-firm-survives-chevron-debacle-learns-lessons-and-thrives businessweek/articles/2014-03-04/chevrons-rico-win-is-a-potent-weapon-against-ecuadorian-pollution-judgment What does this mean...? The Radical Environmental Left was caught conspiring to illegally defraud Chevron. This became a RICO... or racketeering case.... Chevron won in the Southern District of New York.... A group of investors bankrolled the lawsuit... as an INVESTMENT!!! Who was involved...? Burford Capital, a litigation-finance firm, was just getting aloft in 2010 when it invested $4 million in a controversial pollution lawsuit against Chevron (CVX) in Ecuador. The transaction went sour very quickly. Burford’s chief executive officer, Christopher Bogart, a former executive vice president and general counsel of Time Warner (TWX), says his firm has benefited from having extricated itself swiftly from the pollution suit and has seen its profits expand. Burford’s fortunes matter because it’s the largest competitor in a nascent litigation-finance industry that provides capital to law firms and corporate litigants in exchange for a share of eventual recoveries. The former executive vice president and general counsel for Time Warner.... But... Bogart... and Burford Capital... got into the game late... when they thought the BILLIONS of extorted money was already headed into their pockets.... Claiming it had been deceived about rampant fraud in the Ecuadorian courts, Burford says it managed to offload its $4 million stake to an unnamed investor—someone who obviously has a very high tolerance for risk. Even if it could emerge financially whole, the litigation-finance firm appeared to have suffered a black eye to its reputation. All this unfolded amid skepticism about the small-but-growing litigation finance industry. Critics such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce claim that third-party investments in lawsuits encourage frivolous courtroom hostilities. We also have unregistered foreign agents... passing out money... influence peddling.... And... we have unregistered domestic agents... unregistered lobbyist... making political contributions to campaigns of the sitting Governor of New York... Andrew Cuomo... in exchange for influence in the retirement funds of the State of New York putting pressure on Chevron to settle... because they owned a large amount of Chevron stock... because some of the people who worked for Cuomo stood to profit substantially from the settlement.... When you actually take time... and look at the evidence... and the e-mail conformation of political corruption... the hypocrisy... and vanity... of the people involved is simply AMAZING!!! Here are the findings of Judge Kaplan in the case: theamazonpost/wp-content/uploads/Chevron-Ecuador-Opinion-3.4.14.pdf The Ecuadorian judge not only did not write the decision against Chevron... he was unfamiliar with some of the facts and decisions detailed in his ruling! Because law professors in Denver were paid to ghost-write the decision... and they recruited their students to do it! But... what about the lead lawyer on the case... Steven Donzinger...? Here is what he says about himself: stevendonziger/about-steve/ What he doesnt say... is while attending Harvard Law School... he was known as Big Steve.... And... that he played a lot of basketball with another famous Harvard Law School grad... who was also a disciple of Saul Alinsky.... If you desire to see how his life would be depicted on film by his lefty Hollywood friends... including some who were paid lucrative contracts to feign support for the injured natives... that movies already been made.... As part of the propaganda war to win the case.... Its called CRUDE.... Hollywood stories aside.... Just how DO such idealistic young guns who hope to change the world PAY for Harvard Law School...? Get a few of their well connected friends to throw them a few bones.... VERY lucrative bones.... The same bones that they ridicule Conservatives for openly tossing around.... This is one of the most glaring instances of a political Insider Trading Scandal that Ive ever seen. The unmitigated and unabashed HUBRIS of those involved is simply stunning. And... these are the same people who are calling for Senator Elizabeth Warren to be drafted to run for President... because bashing Big Banks... and Big Business... is a VERY BIG BUSINESS in and of itself. VERY profitable.... And VERY hypocritical. Because the people doing the bashing... are doing it for not only financial, but also political profit.... Seems like ALL Progressive Liberal Oligarchies work the same way.... WHY??? Read Saul Alinskys Rules for Radicals. Hes very blunt about it.... Lie to your constituents... because you can easily mislead them. Lie about your opponents... because you will confuse enough people to be able to seize power. The ends justify the means... because the ends are really nothing more than seizing and maintaining and maximizing power... and profit.... Thats the credo of Anarcho-Communism.... Whether its in a Banana Republic like Equador.... Or the largest Democracy in South America like Brazil.... Or... the Big Apple.... Or Washington, D.C. Its ALL the same.... So... when Lena Dunham proclaims that shes Not THAT Kind of Girl... while claiming the most prominent Republican on campus raped her... shes making it up.... When SONY Co-chair Amy Beth Pascal (wife of famed Democratic Fund-raiser Bernie Weintraub) says that the racist remarks she made in the leaked e-mails are not her... she is far less forthright than Ray Rice... Adrian Peterson... or even Donald Sterling... who was forced to sell his NBA franchise for far less salacious comments... that were also spoken in private.... And... when Rolling Stone magazine cries RAPE... without investigating.... Well... check out Big Steve Donzingers self-promotional web site.... He promotes an article by Rolling Stone that presents exactly ONE SIDE of the story.... HIS side.... His Struggle.... I suppose if he had penned the article himself... he could have named his work Mein Kampf.... But I think that title may already be taken by another Fascists... with similar ideas of how to grab power. Heres one view: rollingstone/politics/news/sludge-match-chevron-legal-battle-ecuador-steven-donziger-20140828 Here is a polar opposite viewpoint: rollingstone/politics/news/sludge-match-chevron-legal-battle-ecuador-steven-donziger-20140828 However, the view that really matters is the one presented by Judge Kaplan above. And... he was appointed by President William Jefferson Clinton....
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 16:14:20 +0000

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