Thought for the Day... Greetings everyone both near and far! - TopicsExpress


Thought for the Day... Greetings everyone both near and far! I hope and pray this finds you doing well. Shortly after our Father drew me back to Him and in that process, also drew my wife, that first year was an amazing journey of forgiveness, revelation and wisdom. And one of the parts of that journey to learn wisdom for a future that still continues to be revealed, is to learn not only what to do right, but also to learn what not to do. I was asked to become the the lead volunteer to help market and promote a local free medical clinic for an organization I had never heard of named Touched Twice United (TTU). My first question was what is a Touched Twice clinic and I found out that is an awesome ministry that basically empowers churches to put on free medical clinics on a zero budget. The name came from the passage in Mark 8 where Jesus healed the blind man by touching him twice - these clinics reach those in need and give our organizations in faith an opportunity to touch the lives of those that attend the clinics in two different ways, to meet their physical needs and also an opportunity to meet their spiritual need. But after I learned about the TTU, my second question was so how do I promote the clinic. The answer that was given to me through my spirit was one of go and learn and so I started attending the other local TTU clinics in our area to network with their leadership, to learn what worked and more importantly, to learn what didnt work. And I think that in itself is a lesson we all can learn in our lives. As we journey in this thing we call faith, we learn what is right and more importantly what is wrong, with ourselves. and hopefully when we learn what is wrong, we also learn to let go. For everyone of us, we all come to Christ with a whole laundry list, sometimes more like a big room or in some cases an entire house of things and stuff inside of us - anger, hurt, disappointment, unforgiveness, pain and many many more... What this journey reveals, if we approach it honestly is the real who we are and in that revelation of ourselves, we must honestly look at the good AND the not so good. or perhaps said from a sports analogy as the errors and fouls in our lives - what is more commonly referred to as our sin. Yeah I know some might say we should focus solely on our righteousness, but I am challenged with that singular tunnel vision because there is too much scripture to support looking at both sides of who we are. And consider this analogy - if someone were to buy an older house, kind of run-down, but lots of pleasing features and look, you wouldnt just look at the good before purchasing? A house inspection for a purchase is not to identify what is good - a house inspection is to identify what is wrong with the house - not to condemn that house, but to clearly identify what needs to be fixed. And I believe this is what each of us has to do when we come to Christ and as a continual part of our journey, to know what we still need to let go in our lives. And so today, I wanted to share a brief look at this area in our lives that all too often, I think too many just put aside and never look at addressing and more importantly, never look at letting go of. Enjoy!! ******************************************************* LeBron James, one of the greatest basketball players of all time, was asked what was the number one thing he did after every game. He said the first thing he does is check the number of turnovers his entire team committed and the second is the number of turnovers he personally committed. In baseball, mistakes are called errors; in football they’re known as fumbles; and in tennis they’re unforced errors. These are what champions focus on first in order to grow, succeed and win. Similarly, King David prayed, “God, keep me from presumptuous sin.” Though we shouldn’t fixate primarily on our mistakes, we need to ask God for wisdom and discernment to protect us from unforced errors that are unnecessary and will cost us dearly. Francis Anfuso ******************************************************* As Francis indicated, no we are not be fixated on our sins, but we also are not to avoid looking at them either, putting them away in some dark corner of a room inside of us, and just avoiding looking at it.. For we will never be able to be completely transformed by our Father and His Son, until we look at and more accurately deal with all of who we used to be and as is usually the case, what remains in us even today. And may our Father truly bless you beyond all your expectations!!
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 13:16:21 +0000

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