Thought for the Week- Make Your Own Coping Bank During recovery - TopicsExpress


Thought for the Week- Make Your Own Coping Bank During recovery from an eating disorder it can often be hard to think of ways to cope. You may find it useful to make your own Coping Bank which you can go to when you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, confused (etc.) and in need of healthy ways to handle it. How to do it: 1. Use a shoebox, an old piggy bank, a Tupperware container –anything that can be easily opened. 2. Write a selection of healthy coping alternatives on small sheets of paper. Here are some examples... • Write in your Journal • Listen to your favourite music • Write at least 5 positive affirmations • Play your favourite instrument • Tell one person how you feel • Paint a picture • Take a long hot bath • Take a leisurely walk • Rent your favourite movie • Meet a friend for coffee • Come up with your own too! 3. Take all these little sheets of paper and deposit them into your ‘Coping Bank’. You can always add more as time goes on, but try initially to get at least ten to fifteen ideas in your bank. 4. Place your Coping Bank in an easily accessible place. Next time you are feeling sad, angry, overwhelmed, confused, or stressed-out, and need to find healthy ways to cope go to your Coping Bank, pull out one of those sheets of paper and do what it says! Make a mental commitment to yourself to go to your coping bank whenever you need to, and experience how these new ways of coping can help you on your journey of recovery.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 20:43:48 +0000

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