Thought for the day: Be thankful, give thanks and hopefully youll - TopicsExpress


Thought for the day: Be thankful, give thanks and hopefully youll receive thanks too. If youre receiving thanks, youre doing good things. Here is my thankful list..... I am thankful for my Mom and Dad who supported me (not just monetarily), who taught me right from wrong, how to give, to dream, to be a better man. Some lessons by their words and others through their actions. I love you! I am thankful for my sisters who taught me how good it felt to tease, to be loved, to be looked up to and how good it felt to protect. I love you! I am thankful for my son who taught me to laugh, cry, be silly, be loving unconditionally, maturity, responsibility, video games, and friendship. I am proud of you and you are MY hero now! I love you! I am thankful for my BB/PG girl. I am proud of the young woman youve turned into. Thanks for calling me Dad! Keep smiling that smile. Keep bringing joy wherever you go, keep those grades up and keep those pimply butts at arms length! I love you! I am thankful for my nieces, nephews, godchildren and adopted children through the years. I am thankful for every kiss, every hug, every heartache, every punch, every tear, every laugh, every pain and every joy that taught me to be a better me! I am thankful for the teachers who taught me how much of a smart ass I was but also how smart I was! I am thankful for every girl who made me smile and made cry, made me shake and made me confident! I am thankful for every hump who got physical with me and taught me that I wont collapse from a punch but maybe they would! I am thankful for whoever invented chemotherapy and taught me that there is always hope! I am thankful for the television shows of the past that taught me about relationships, family, love and respect. The shows that were the true REALITY shows we should mimmick! I am thankful for every cop who gave me a ticket and taught me to be more careful! I am thankful for a mutlitude of friends who stood with me, by me, fought with me, laughed with me, cried with me, got stupid with me, grew with me and taught me how important friendship is! I am thankful for all the immigrants who came and built America! I am thankful for every man and woman who ever put on a uniform and served in our Armed Forces! I am thankful for all the songwriters that taught me about heartache and falling in love, about breakups and makeups, about living and loving! I am thankful for the dentists throughout my life who although gave me some pain, taught me the meaning of a smile! I am thankful for every surgeon who cut me open, sewed me back up, healed me, saved me and taught me the value of life and how precious it is! I am thankful for every job I had, every job I lost and every boss who taught me the true meaning of leadership and compassion! I am thankful for all my friends, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Grandparents still here and also gone who at one time made me smile, pissed me off, did the right things, did some wrong things, held my hand and held my heart! I love you! I am thankful for Mark Zuckerberg for creating this thing called Facebook and allowing me to re-connect with old freinds and for the opportunity and genuine pleasure to meet some very special people who taught me about re-inventing myself, believing in myself and reaching for the stars. Thank you for your friendship, support, humor and love! I am thankful for all the Angels I knew here on earth who taught me to believe that they are now watching over us today and always from Heaven! I am thankful most of all for God in my life and for Jesus who taught me the rules of love and life before unselfishly dying for all of us! I love you! To everyone above, I apologize for any time I let you down, was rude, spoiled, arrogant or insecure. For any time I caused you grief or sorrow. I hope and pray that the smiles, laughs, memories and love far outwiegh it all! And to Bella, I will always be thankful for you no matter what life throws. I apologize for any tears I caused, any disappointment I created, any promise I failed to keep, every time I lost my temper, every time I sulked and pouted, any insecurity I may have caused or inflamed. But I know I creeated more smiles than frowns, more laughter than tears and more hope than disappointment. I am still a materpiece is progress! I am human, I make mistakes, I am not flawless. But whether were up each others heiny or days/months apart, my mind, my heart, my soul, my very being has been pure, honest, loyal and true. Have the happiest, healthiest, most peaceful, loving Thanksgiving EVAH! You have everyone around you this year, (almost). Enjoy it, savor it, create great memories and remember to rest! I love you! HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! Peace, Love and Friendship Always! God Bless! Sonny Grosso The Songfather
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 05:13:11 +0000

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