Thought for the day I read a contest rule someone posted - TopicsExpress


Thought for the day I read a contest rule someone posted yesterday saying no contest junkies allowed because as they said we dont fit in their mold of supporting local business. The fact is we do support business in our communities and provide jobs for others. Lets put it in this perspective. When we enter contests its a variety of reasons. Its a product we can use its also something we may not necessarily be able to afford otherwise. However, we provide jobs indirectly. Through the companies who market the product to the employees who manufactured the product to the shipper of the product to the sorter at the courier plant to the truck loader who handles the package to the truck driver who carries it across the country to the airline pilot who flies it across the country to the courier driver who delivers it. One piece that we win may not make or break a company but it certainly provides and plays a role in this and countless other jobs I havent mentioned like insurance agents, dispatchers, management etc. We also play another vital role in the contest game and that is advertising. Advertising on any medium is not free and liking/sharing a page is a service regardless how small it may seem. Just as if the product from a hockey helmet labelled Reebok, ccm, or a gift card labelled with a store name or a phone with a manufacturer label like Motorola or a computer labelled Toshiba or any other countless product we are at the front line of consumerism for others to see. Yes we may not be paying first hand for the product but the word of mouth advertising, visual advertising and social media advertising far outweighs any negatives such as being labelled a contest junkie. Companies and bloggers I urge you to rethink what you say. We are consumers also. I will add more to this later.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 13:45:53 +0000

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