Thought for the day: what I have learned from loss and - TopicsExpress


Thought for the day: what I have learned from loss and failure. Today, my server is not renewed. Mys sites,, Rothmanmarketing, Socialmediasystems suspended, for sale. They still rank - 1 internet advertising consultant in the world according to Google, 1 local news advertising agency according to Youtube. Over 30,000 cached pages in Googles primary cache. In my life I have chased my ambitions. I have sacrificed and suffered because of those ambitions, at times, and I have lost site of what really matters in life. I have made, and lost, and made back, and lost many millions; employed hundreds, perhaps inspired many. Ironic that the day job that sustains me is now selling local page advertising, and this irony has Gods signature all over it, again. I am once again free, and once again it is not my doing, and I am thankful for it. Everything that we own, owns us, that is what I have learned. The more that you have, the more your are owned. I have learned the hard way, to be fearless, to smile at adversity, and to not feel the stress. But most of all, I have learned to give up, give in, and love life, the good, the bad, even the ugly...all is perfect in a laughable way. God has a sense of humor, and he is laughing at me. I have dedicated my work, my leisure, my passion to what?! An empty ambition. One good volcano, one war, one meteor, and all this will be gone in an instant. Naked I came into this world, and I will leave it with less than that, not even a body. I am so thankful to be alive. My parents both died of cancer in their mid-forties leaving me an orphan at 11. That I am sixty, and healthier and stronger than ever, is amazing. I can tell you that it is not clean living or an easy life that have saved me. Believing that I had little time, I have lived my life at a breakneck pace, with that ticking time clock in the back of my mind always. I have embraced life, lived fast and hard, laughed, wept...I have lived, and will live a long time still. I am lucid, healthy, young in mind and spirit, and very thankful for it. My properties can return to the dust they came from, as will each of us. This great weight is lifted from me today. I am once again a member of the human race, and happy to be alive and living in America and to have another chance to do something worthwhile. My reach, and huge online audience, strangely enough, are permanent, more a result of what I have believed and shared than from any high-tech abilities or ploys, so be it. And even now, my heart goes out to the children; mine are healthy and well (thank God), but many others, these, need our help. Please, in the midst of your pagan materialism, think of these: Urgent Christmas Appeal - Loyal Foundation Uganda They did not pick their parents any more than you and I did, and they need our help, please.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 14:26:04 +0000

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