. Thought for the day – Do not be fearful or afraid – “The - TopicsExpress


. Thought for the day – Do not be fearful or afraid – “The LORD is my light and my salvation-- whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life-- of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1. “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4. “Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,” Psalm 46:2. Whether it is an enemy, a time of dark foreboding, or the elements raging against us, we need not fear for we have the promise of the presence of our God with us. He has promised NEVER to leave us or forsake us. His rod of correction and His staff of comfort and support are always with us. Sometimes our crises are sent to correct us and sometimes so that we might learn more of Him, or teach us to trust Him more. Whatever the reason we can rest in the sure and certain knowledge that these things are always for our good. When we cannot understand what is happening or why it is happening remember the words of Abraham; ‘shall not the Judge of all the earth do right”. If that does not suffice then think of the words of Job; “though He slay me, yet will I hope in Him”. The Lord is my light and my salvation. Here is personal interest, my light, my salvation; the soul is assured of it, and therefore, declaring it boldly.”My light; “—into the soul at the new birth divine light is poured as the precursor of salvation; where there is not enough light to see our own darkness and to long for the Lord Jesus, there is no evidence of salvation. Salvation finds us in the dark, but it does not leave us there; it gives light to those who sit in the valley of the shadow of death. After conversion our God is our joy, comfort, guide, teacher, and in every sense our light; he is light within, light around, light reflected from us, and light to be revealed to us. Note, it is not said merely that the Lord gives light, but that he is light; nor that he gives salvation, but that he is salvation; he, then, who by faith has laid hold upon God has all covenant blessings in his possession. “Whom shall I fear?” A question which is its own answer. The powers of darkness are not to be feared, for the Lord, our light, destroys them; and the damnation of hell is not to be dreaded by us, for the Lord is our salvation. This is a very different challenge from that of boastful Goliath, for it is based upon a very different foundation; it rests not upon the conceited vigour of an arm of flesh, but upon the real power of the omnipotent I AM. “The Lord is the stronghold of my life”. Here is a third glowing epithet, to show that the writers hope was fastened with a threefold cord which could not be broken. We may well accumulate terms of praise where the Lord lavishes deeds of grace. Our life derives all its strength from him who is the author if it; and if he deigns to make us strong we cannot be weakened by all the machinations of the adversary. Of whom shall I be afraid? The bold question looks into the future as well as the present. If God be for us, who can be against us, either now or in time to come? ~ Charles Spurgeon
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 19:12:17 +0000

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