Thought for the day3 December 2014 Dear Jonathan, Do you - TopicsExpress


Thought for the day3 December 2014 Dear Jonathan, Do you realise that when you mention prayer you alienate atheists? Some of us do not believe that we need to look outside ourselves to find answers. I would have thought that you, of all people, would understand this. Nola Dear Nola, Oh dear. Would that be the case, too, if I were to mention the idea that the universe had a Creator? What about if I were to suggest that it created itself? Or that the energy that created the universe is within each of us? Or that when we pray, we effectively pray to ourselves? Your new 2015 video forecast is ready. Its going to be a special year - find out why and hear what I have to say about whats in store for you and watch your new December Video too here. Jonathan Cainer Aquarius Jan 21 - Feb 19 aquarius When we watch a race, we all understand that the winner will be the competitor who travels fastest from point A to point B. As long as all other rules are adhered to, the outcome cannot be complicated. But what if the criteria were to involve some additional challenge? Not only, for example, must the winner be swift, they must give a word-perfect recitation of a particular poem or prove that they have protected a fragile object whilst rushing from start to finish. Speed is not of the essence in your life today. Its care that counts. Whats the best possible present you can get for Christmas this year? Your in-depth personal horoscope guide to the whole of 2015! Its going to be a year of amazing opportunity and a GUIDE TO THE FUTURE will help you get you what you truly desire. Download yours now. Pisces Feb 20 - Mar 20 pisces Intuition speaks to us all like a whisper on the wind. It has a faint voice, easily mistaken for a passing fear or a temporary urge. How are we supposed to know whether we are hearing the profound wisdom of a part of our spirit that transcends time and space or just responding to some idle whim? You really wouldnt want to get such signals mixed up today. Listen very carefully to what you can hear within yourself. If a message keeps repeating, there is probably a very good reason for you to hear it, heed it and act on it. Whats the best possible present you can get for Christmas this year? Your in-depth personal horoscope guide to the whole of 2015! Its going to be a year of amazing opportunity and a GUIDE TO THE FUTURE will help you get you what you truly desire. Download yours now. Aries Mar 21 - Apr 20 aries Have you ever been apprehensive about some coming event? Can you recall worrying about how things might pan out? Think about some experience that turned out to be far less problematic than you feared. When it finally happened, did you wish you could send a message of reassurance back in time to your previous anxious self? Perhaps you did. Perhaps it helped more than you really know. What might your future self wish to communicate back in time to you, right now? If you can hear even a faint message of comfort, heed it. Whats the best possible present you can get for Christmas this year? Your in-depth personal horoscope guide to the whole of 2015! Its going to be a year of amazing opportunity and a GUIDE TO THE FUTURE will help you get you what you truly desire. Download yours now. Taurus Apr 21 - May 21 taurus The world need not be a scary place. We were not put on this earth to worry or even to fend for ourselves whilst fighting off an endless onslaught of challenges. You came here to be happy. To enjoy yourself. Literally, to enjoy being yourself. The cosmos, despite occasional appearances to the contrary, seeks to support you in that purpose, however and wherever it can. Look, today, for reasons to feel encouraged by the changing shape of a sensitive situation. These really are not false hopes. Whats the best possible present you can get for Christmas this year? Your in-depth personal horoscope guide to the whole of 2015! Its going to be a year of amazing opportunity and a GUIDE TO THE FUTURE will help you get you what you truly desire. Download yours now. Gemini May 22 - June 22 gemini None of us like to feel as if we are letting others down. When we make a commitment, we take pride in being as good as our word. If we see someone struggling, we relish the chance to come to their aid. But if we extend our care and protection too far - and attempt to rise to too many challenges at once - we may end up becoming the person who requires assistance, rather than the one who is best placed to supply it. This is always a bit of a balancing act. As you attempt it today, be sure you are standing on level ground. Whats the best possible present you can get for Christmas this year? Your in-depth personal horoscope guide to the whole of 2015! Its going to be a year of amazing opportunity and a GUIDE TO THE FUTURE will help you get you what you truly desire. Download yours now. Cancer Jun 23 - Jul 23 cancer Astrologers often wax lyrical about Cancerian compassion. Implied in this is a suggestion of patience. How can we be caring and understanding if we arent willing to put up with - or to wait for - things? Yet yours is a Cardinal sign. By definition, Cardinal folk hate hanging about and often have a bit of a short fuse. Does this mean you can sometimes give up too quickly on hopes and aspirations that might have rewarded greater patience? Even if so, an old investment has not been entirely abandoned and may yet soon pay off. Whats the best possible present you can get for Christmas this year? Your in-depth personal horoscope guide to the whole of 2015! Its going to be a year of amazing opportunity and a GUIDE TO THE FUTURE will help you get you what you truly desire. Download yours now. Leo Jul 24 - Aug 23 leo You make me feel so young. So sang Frank Sinatra. There are some psychologists and spiritual advisors might argue that the lyric conveys an assumption that can be counterproductive for personal development. If we allow others to make us feel young, perhaps we can unconsciously extend to them similar permission to make us feel old. Surely, the power to decide on our own emotional age, should be yours alone. It should - and it can be. Forget the wisdom of age, solve a problem today, as a young person would solve it. Whats the best possible present you can get for Christmas this year? Your in-depth personal horoscope guide to the whole of 2015! Its going to be a year of amazing opportunity and a GUIDE TO THE FUTURE will help you get you what you truly desire. Download yours now. Virgo Aug 24 - Sep 23 virgo Do we see darkness? Or do we see light? We dont see darkness because when it is truly dark, there is nothing to see. So, is light visible to us? Or do we just see the things that are blocking absorbing or reflecting it? Perhaps we should all think harder about what it is that we are really seeing, and what this may mean. Perhaps this would tell us something about what we can be sure of and what, at best, we can only guess at. If you are looking for an answer today, it may help first to look more carefully at the question. Whats the best possible present you can get for Christmas this year? Your in-depth personal horoscope guide to the whole of 2015! Its going to be a year of amazing opportunity and a GUIDE TO THE FUTURE will help you get you what you truly desire. Download yours now. Libra Sep 24 - Oct 23 libra We are all creatures of habit. We like routines that follow a comforting rhythm. We can even get so settled into a particular way of life that we feel anxious and insecure if, for some reason, we are unable to maintain it. That remains true, even when the process that we happen to be repeating is pointless or counterproductive. Really, it is not enough today to assure yourself that you will be able to stick with what you know. Life is bringing you an opportunity to break free from an unhealthy tradition. Thats a blessing, not a threat. Whats the best possible present you can get for Christmas this year? Your in-depth personal horoscope guide to the whole of 2015! Its going to be a year of amazing opportunity and a GUIDE TO THE FUTURE will help you get you what you truly desire. Download yours now. Scorpio Oct 24 - Nov 22 scorpio How many roads must a man walk down? So asked Bob Dylan. The secret of the songs enduring success is surely the fact that it raises such an open-ended question. Somehow it celebrates the fact that life is full of things we will never be able to fully understand or quantify, even if we strive to become as learned as the great professors Cox and Dawkins. And if there is no wind, does that mean there is no answer? Today, you must surely act, as best you can, on what you know - as incomplete as that may be. Whats the best possible present you can get for Christmas this year? Your in-depth personal horoscope guide to the whole of 2015! Its going to be a year of amazing opportunity and a GUIDE TO THE FUTURE will help you get you what you truly desire. Download yours now. Sagittarius Nov 23 - Dec 21 sagittarius Fairgrounds and festivals seemingly spring up in an instant. They vanish just as fast. They are here today, gone tomorrow, and thats what gives them their air of excitement. There is something most intimidating and inhibiting about a sense of permanence. So, what about you and me? Arent our lives too short and too sweet to be spent upholding tedious traditions and respecting restrictive rules? Werent we placed on this planet so that we could have at least some fun? The sky now speaks of a chance (and a reason) to relax. Whats the best possible present you can get for Christmas this year? Your in-depth personal horoscope guide to the whole of 2015! Its going to be a year of amazing opportunity and a GUIDE TO THE FUTURE will help you get you what you truly desire. Download yours now. Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 20 capricorn When Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, he lay on his back for hours at a time. And he must have suffered rotten pins and needles in his arm. Had he only lived today, he would surely have employed a computer-aided design system and then implemented some clever technology to glue the printout on to the buildings ceiling. Would his work have had any less merit? Would Shakespeare have been any less brilliant if he had been able to use a word-processor? A situation now needs to change with the times. Whats the best possible present you can get for Christmas this year? Your in-depth personal horoscope guide to the whole of 2015! Its going to be a year of amazing opportunity and a GUIDE TO THE FUTURE will help you get you what you truly desire. Download yours now. Perhaps its time for you to have a bit of a spiritual check-up. Do you believe that you can work a miracle in your life to achieve the goals you have your sights set on? If so, you are right. And if you dont believe it? You need to stop being quite so gosh-darned practical all the time. Get a reading from one of our trusted astrologers, angel card readers or psychics here. Dont let your temper run away with you. If someone does something to anger you, breathe deep and count to ten. Confront this troublemaker in private. Youve worked too hard to jeopardise your reputation with an enraged public outburst. After youve vented your feelings, get a change of scenery. Taking a walk through a park or garden will help you calm down. Think about ways you can avoid this situation from occurring again. Youve always been an excellent strategist. Financial matters might take center stage today, in a positive way. Perhaps youll realize you have more money than you thought, so you can splurge on something nice. Its a good time to enjoy a nice meal with someone you care about, or to treat yourself to something youve been wanting. Youre too sensible to overextend your budget, and you know youve worked hard lately. You deserve something nice! Read more:
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 04:26:43 +0000

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