Thought for the week: LOVE Love has several meanings to it - TopicsExpress


Thought for the week: LOVE Love has several meanings to it from... a strong affection for another to an unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another. Love as the Bible presents it isnt a feeling, but a commitment to a course of action that may result in those feelings. The kind of love God calls us to have isnt primarily a matter of feeling a certain way towards others. It is a matter of treating people as God commands us to do. Love is the theme consistent with all versions of the Bible as we know it today. In the King James Version the word love appears 310 times and in the NIV version it appears 508 times throughout. Jesus told us to Love one another as I have loved you. But how did Jesus love us? How does God love us? Without judgment and certainly without conditions, another words we are loved unconditionally. Since we all have that spark of God within us how can we no love in that same manner. Do we not love our own children unconditionally? Of course we have some expectations of them but if they choose to not go a certain path that we want them to go do we still not love them? There are so many stories, poems and greeting cards out there with the topic of love in them that we would probably be surprised to find out how many there really are. Where love is, there is God also Leo Tolstoy Whoso loves believes the impossible Elizabeth Barrett Browning Love conquers all Virgil God is Love 1 John 4:8 God doesnt tell us that we are responsible for producing the feelings of love towards others. God tells us that his love flows through us as we treat others with that Biblical meaning as mentioned above. You cant produce feelings. You can produce actions in keeping with the love of God. Here is a challenge: Begin treating the people in your life according to the scripture regardless of feelings. The Bible says that if you use that approach the love will run its full course. We all want the same thing in love and be loved in return. May you all be blessed with as much love as you can possibly handle. Rev. Sue
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 18:34:29 +0000

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