Thought for today Praying for discernment today Today I am - TopicsExpress


Thought for today Praying for discernment today Today I am praying hard for discernment. As each day passes and this newness of self grows I am wondering what else in my life needs to change. I wrote the other day about something must die in your life so something could be born, like with throught and idea and such. As I have been changing, so have my feelings to certain things in my life. Less is more, I am not of this world but part of it, I am different now than I was before, Things dont matter as much as relationships, and there is nothing I would not change in my life to obtain joy, calm, peace, and align me more with Jesus. The biggest decisions in life, are the hardest and most thought out. Or should be. I have thought about this long and hard, in 5 years I want for self list: 1. To be in an even better relationship with The Lord. 2. To be doing something I love full time (Ministry perferred). 3. To have that Christ Centered person to share the walk with. 4. To keep the things that are gifts if possible (Bike and new car). 5. To again have a dog, or feel up for that again. (long story, not ready yet). In each one of these I now have direction. I am tired of just playing it safe, or even just siting here all comfortable. I am now looking for challenge of getting all there. But none of these things come to me by the computer screen. None of these things happen by sitting here typing them out and saying they will happen is the only way they come into bearing fruit. You must speak it right into your life. I am done with just thinking things will happen and ready to accept that it is time for things to happen. STOP PLANNING AND START DOING is my new motto. I would like to be one of those people who just throws caution to the wind, wakes up in a new place, state, or town, and then has a remarkable story. Just saying. As I said, today I am praying for discernment. To be able to discern what God wants for me to take for a direction. I have the apartment (home), the car, and the motorcycle. Now how do I get the building to hold worship in that is to come soon, and how does the road fit into finding the person to share this walk with? These are he things I am not sure of. I see where I am at, and currently I when faced with negativity daily it is kind of hard to focus on the positive, and pull from this what I need for enjoyment. Discernment to know where the next path lies, and also to see when to round the corner and step from where I am to walk into Greater. Discernment to know what God is asking me to do, so not to mess up anything. Discernment to know that God has something better for me than being just comfortable. Discernment Discernment Discernment That is my focus. It is kind of funny, 13 years ago I was asked, Where do you see yourself in 5 years, in 10 years. I sat there with no answer, I had no idea. Over the last three years in my life I have been lead to question every part of myself. Who I am now, who I was in the past, where I want to be in the future, and everything that helps make me who I am in all of it. As I grow, I am merging all of me, my work, home, things I do, all parts of me. As this happens it causes deeper thought. I struggle to find the total self inside. The journey is not an easy one. I once thought nothing of each day, just woke up, went to work, and went home thinking nothing of the all of it. I gave no thought to who I was or where I wanted to be. But NOW, I think so deeply and spiritually all the time. In the last three years I have, Endured more than I ever thought I could Experienced things in my life I thought were impossible Overcome so much inside me to make ne a better person Dealt with things that I thought I had not the strength to Went places I thought were beyond me Stop me when you get board, but you get the meaning here. In three years, I have lived more then the other 40 years while on this planet. If I was sitting back like yall are watching my walk change and reading about it, I would wonder...... Can that happen to me too? Or perhaps I would see these writings as the rambling of a man who was discovering things inside of self. In any case I would challenge you the reader to step beyond what you thought once as how you should live, and live as though your life depended on it. This year though the most challenging, has turned out to be the most rewarding too.I have laughed more, cared more, worshiped more (didnt think I could have as I thought I was all in). cried more, shared more, experienced more, and yes..... Even loved more than in the other two years. Trust me when I say that the closing of 2014 is much better than the opening of it, but you know something? I would not have traded a single second, even though some of it was painful, stressfull, confusing, and frigtening...... There was more grace, more joy, more love, and more self. They say when you complete some works you walk through the other side where you wonder, what happens next. I am no longer wondering as I am seeing it first hand. Help to change another and you change yourself. Help to change many, and much of you is changed. So much good has happend this year for me, and I am smiling at this moment, even if I am contemplating what is to come............... Live loud, laugh much, and love with abandon Michael, ps. I put in this song as it came through my speakers as I was writing this out, and one part of it stuck out in my head. This is your life, who do you want to be? I believe that I answered this question I asked myself on here a few writings ago.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 22:54:50 +0000

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