Thought of the afternoon: Liberals just make me laugh, - TopicsExpress


Thought of the afternoon: Liberals just make me laugh, man...You know how liberals try and forcefeed down your throat that Lincoln liked black folks just because he had a quasi-friendship with Frederick Douglas that was basically a real life Robinson Crusoe and his man Friday and he signed the Emancipation Proclamation that didnt free a damn person since it was only directed to the states that left the Union...Yet, the truth is that he said some of the most horrific stuff about black people that was totally in line with the typical white belief of black folks at that time (which isnt too much different today), advocated sending blacks back to Africa and never once denounced any of this...In that same vein, liberals today try and force down your throat that Barry, his administration and Democrats in general are the barrier keeping us from environmental annihilation...Yet, the truth is that you have Mary Landrieu basically about to go throw on a uniform and start welding pipe for the Keystone XL herself, the Senate Democrats doing everything they can to support her and all of them applauding while Barry makes a big deal out of a compromise with China which is just a continuation of doing nothing that came out of Copenhagen five years ago...So, it is like the old saying goes: Are you going to believe me or your lying eyes...
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 18:36:42 +0000

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