Thought of the day: Recently i have been asked Why i have decided - TopicsExpress


Thought of the day: Recently i have been asked Why i have decided too date a guy? Well beings everyone wants too ask this of me i shall provide an answer. Before i provide this answer i wanna say if it offends anyone well there is a lot of truth too my answer so therefore i cant really be sorry for being honest. A.) The same thing girls want from a boy is the same thing we boys want from girls belivie it or not.We wanna be held, and loved, and when things are not going so good even told that things will be ok. We want a girl who understands that we are not even perfect. We want a girl who will be faithful as she would expect us boys too be. Most of all we want a girl that understands that sometimes the road in life is not always smooth and yes there will be rocks and bumps in that road BUT as a team we will work them out and be strong! You see everytime i find a girl i like and wanna have this kind of relationship with i get told one of 2 things. 1.) Sorry but your not my type. or 2.) I would love to date you but you see with all your medical problems how will i know you wont die on me in a month or so! Well lets examin something shall we. Here lately i have been seeing girls getting hurt left and right. There hearts getting toyed with and or torn out of there chests and held infront of there face as the guy crushes it with no emotion. I have said it once but not here on facebook so allow me to do so now. Its like High school all over again. here is how. On the left hand side of the bleachers you have your nerds and geeks and so forth. They never stand a chance with the Popular girls or the IN girls as a matter of fact were just there too help and be of assistance when were needed. then there is the right hand side of the bleachers, your jocks your preps and your ASSHOLES! Now these men are the guys who get the girls no matter what. Dont ask me why but they are. Then when the girl gets hurt well they find another who does worse or the about the same on an equal accord. Does it sound fair? NO it dont but hey its life right, we deal with it right. Then you got number 2, life death so forth. Well you know i have seen here lately that a lot of younger people are dying from medical illnesses that are not plesant such as heart related issues and or other medical complications. So too hold someones Medical condition against them as a reason for you not wanting to date them is unfair. I mean can you tell me that come tomarrow you will still be alive? How about in 1hr? Do you know when you will DIE? Hell i dont even know when i will die. However what i do know is one thing, in life comes death and in death comes life!!! What does that mean, well your reading this post right now right? So your alive, however one day you will die like everyone else, there be a funeral for you just like there was for your loved ones or friends who have passed on in life, and we will talk about how your starting your NEW JOURNY or NEW LIFE this is where is say In life comes death for new life! Its sad how we dont give people the fair chances that maybe they deserve at love. However there is a guy in my life Deven who has given me the chance. Funny how he knows how bad my medical problems are and how hard the fight is yet he isnt running. no in fact he is fighting with me.. He even has told me that the fight is worth it.. So i hope that as i read these relationship postings that some of you girls begin to realize that if thats what you want, then do yourself a favor. SET YOUR STANDARDS A LITTLE LOWER ON THE MEN YOU WANNA DATE OR CHOOSE TOO DATE.. HELL GIVE THE MAN WHO IS TRYING TO GRAB YOUR ATTENTION A CHANCE WHY BECAUSE MAYBE THATS THE MAN YOUR POSTING ABOUT!!!!... Thats MY thought of the day!! Thank you for reading this. Now some of you might post on this and if you do go for it. i encourage it. However do keep in mind this post was not too offend anyone it was just a man yelling Hey there is more too life then dating an asshole!
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 03:54:31 +0000

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