Thought of the day: Try to know what youre talking about. I know - TopicsExpress


Thought of the day: Try to know what youre talking about. I know this is America, each of us are entitled to our own opinions, and we have the freedom to say whatever we darn well please. That is a beautiful thing, but some of us make it downright ugly. The Oracle at Delphi once told Socrates that he was the wisest man in all of Greece. Socrates set out to prove the Oracle wrong, but in fact proved him correct. The reason: Socrates found that all of the smarter individuals in Greece spoke on subjects that they had no clue about. He, on the other hand, was not too proud to say I dont know. For years, Ive tried to get many of my friends interested in racing (my favorite sport to watch since I could walk and talk). Only a handful have accepted my offer. The rest get me fighting mad with their snide left turn and redneck sport remarks, just to name a few. Now, however, a terrible tragedy involving one of the sports biggest stars has somehow automatically turned those very people into experts on the matter. Funny how that works. I cant tell you what went through those drivers minds last night, and neither can you, my friend. Ive never had the honor of sitting my fat rear end in one of those machines, and neither have most of you, unless Ive overlooked something. We can each watch the videos and say what we believe, but what do we know? Please, for the sake of your own reputation, try to speak on things you know about. Leave foreign policy to the people in those board rooms at the Pentagon when youve never had boots on the ground. Leave the court cases to the lawyers and judges when youve never had a JD degree. Leave the second amendment to the people who actually choose to exercise that right when youve never had a gun in your hand. Leave the nunchucks and swords to the people in black robes when youve never been a ninja. And for Heavens sake, please leave the world of motorsports to the track officials and drivers, especially when youve never been one of us rednecks who like to squall yeehaw when really fast cars make a bunch of left turns. Thank you and God bless you all, specifically those involved in last nights tragedy.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 16:16:50 +0000

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