Thought provoking paper. Well worth the read. Socialism, social - TopicsExpress


Thought provoking paper. Well worth the read. Socialism, social programs, faux equality, and welfare in America: Overloading the system for an insidious and insane reason By V.C.B. July 13, 2014 -Social programs are mostly (the exception comes from large donors/philanthropy) funded by and paid for with money provided by American tax dollars paid for by the working American legal citizen. The U.S. federal government doesnt fund squat, though the govt. uses wording to confuse the population into believing the U.S. federal government is the great financier and benefactor of all help, aid, and assistance given. The U.S. federal government, by use of coercion, extortion, and force (the IRS, fees, liens on property, asset forfeiture laws, harassment, and imprisonment) steals the hard earned income of every legitimate working American citizen by means of legalized theft (taxes) that they, the govt., legalized, enforces, and continually increase with little to no accountability. The U.S. federal government then turns around and grants American public institutions and agencies back SOME of that money for programs they (again, the govt.) feels is necessary or more appropriately, politically necessary, regardless of whether it really is a legitimate or beneficial necessity to anyone, particularly to those who provided the money in the first place. Of course I say only some of the money is funneled back into the American system. Most of the money goes into their own government corrupt pockets or to other govt. decided expenditures that again rarely benefit the legal American working citizen or even America at all. Then theres the time, money, and efforts spent on (thought/mind control) via multi-cultural efforts, government produced ideals of tolerance and acceptance via socialist inspired character education indoctrination adopted by nearly every public school in America, global control indoctrination, and income equality among the common people (never the income inequality of the mega-wealthy elites, corporate empires, the controllers of too big too fail banks, the global rulers, the all powerful U.S. government officials and war overlords, AND the common people- the vast populations of human beings under their ^ massive social and physical control), and government created social injustice so the govt. can then influence public perception and insert opinions of social justice according to their own current political agenda (there are MANY other subversive programs constantly at play and not nearly as innocent sounding or humane, too many too list here) which serve as nothing more than a means to undermine American sovereignty, American tradition and culture, patriotism, individualism, and FREEDOM FOR ALL. Enter the politically correct mantra to silence all opposition, extreme expansion of- social programs, government agencies, employees of the government, and functions of the government = more control for the government- to further the break down of America, and collectivism to form a population of equal slaves under the control of the powers that be. Big picture: We, The America People, must secure America and remove all foreign influence and global agendas that interfere and/or conflict with America, American rights and freedom, the Bill of Rights, and the original U.S. constitution. In order to achieve this, we must be ready, willing, and able to remove all aspects of government corruption, erase and cease the ability of political appointments of anyone by elected?/more likely selected officials, and remove people of dual citizenry who are in a position of government that can compromise or change the foundation of true America ideals. Conclusion: In an all honest, all loving, all truthful, all peaceful world where everyone on planet Earth always agrees on everything and everyone has the same needs, desires, hopes, dreams, motivations, rewards, and consequences and EVERYONE is equal in every way: ONLY THEN is such an agenda of tolerance and acceptance of a socialist utopia remotely possible. Until every living human is lobotomized or transformed into easily manipulated and highly controlled, emotionless, non-thinking, non-feeling zombies this type of socialist utopia can not and will not be attainable. There will always be those who will demand more and find the means to take more by force and abuse. There will always be those who seek to be rulers, who will derive their power off the backs of the innocent, naive, ignorant, or infirm and will exploit any and all manners to use and control others. Insert: COMMUNISM and EVIL -Summary and excerpts from the non-published paper: Reflections on American Society, the World, and 1984, by George Orwell Written by V.C.B., 2012 *The paper was written as 0bama was just beginning his 2nd term in office, as his agenda became more widely apparent to most people not dumbed down by the system. The author also recognized the 0bama administrations tactics to be a direct compilation of Saul Alinkskys, Rules for Radicals, with a Hillary Clinton thesis paper twist on not just overloading the economic system in America through expanded welfare/social programs, but the massive growth of all government agencies, functions, and employees under the same umbrella of corruption, unlawfulness, and use of force to create chaos, hysteria, confusion, multiple means of division of the American people, anger, hate, and the final goal of destabilizing and then destroying the fabric of American government and society to be replaced by an Orwellian-surveillance-serfdom type of existence for the common man and then established world wide.*
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 01:09:53 +0000

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