Thought this article this guy wrote was very good he did a lot of - TopicsExpress


Thought this article this guy wrote was very good he did a lot of research, to make sure his facts were facts! - The powerful conglomeration of interests that tried to pull off Sandy Hook, must have all realized the visual power of the medium of television. The beautiful children were what the emphasis was put on. Their pristine pictures, their stories of animals, cowgirl boots, artistry. But there was a doom to their whole scam, in that most parents are intuitive about how devastated people act, in real life. It was quite the fluke of Robbie Parker being accidentally filmed grinning, and joking, then taking several breaths to speak. Who on earth , originally, would have reason to not trust the heads of a state police department? (Even though a DHS drill was scheduled for that very same day, a few miles away) Who would have expected the hand of organized crime, in this, in police and firefighter unions? Who would have suspected the complicity of CNN? But the story unraveled, and for asking 16 very respectful questions about the event, (including no calls for Life Star Helicopters, paramedics turned away from the school, zero footage of the evacuation of 590 students, no name of a hazardous waste company to clean up the gallons of blood and substantial bone fragments that would have been left by 26 victims ) Sandy Hook researcher Wolfgang Halbig got threatened at his own home in Florida, at the behest of Newtown police, not once but twice. His wife has been threatened where she works. Jon Reich was arrested and hit with at $50,000 bond for legitimately asking questions of medical examiner Wayne Carver, as to how bill 1054 got passed in Ct. in 2011- that prohibited autopsies of juvenile murder victims from being made public. A school teacher in NY- Mr. Heller, legally purchasing a firearm- met at his home with 7 policemen, then tossed into a mental institution, and for questioning SH, lost his job. Connecticut State Police Major William Podgorski-a lead investigator into Sandy Hook- who was privy to extensive FBI redaction of documents, received minor surgery, then was transferred from Bristol Hospital to Yale New Haven. He died. Podgorski was 49 years old and the father of three children. NO mention whatsoever in Ct. media, of his connection to Sandy Hook, or his cause of death. My discus account has been blocked from commenting on the New Haven Register page about his death. Many participants in the scam have retired, as well. The school is sawdust, with construction workers employed in its demolition, forced to sign confidentiality agreements. No footage whatsoever of “Adam” on the newly acquired school security system. Columbine: still intact, with plenty of video of shooters Klebold and Harris. I will also point out that there are tweeted pictures from of Danbury Fire fighters, police cars, and fire engines filling up the parking lot of Firehouse (several feet away from Sandy Hook Elementary School,) TWEETED AT 9:13 AM.- yet “Adam Lanza” according to the official report, did not arrive until 9:30, with calls going for ambulances, going right up until 10:05. Yet news of 26 deaths were tweeted as early as 9:54. I know of a prominent attorney who at first thought MK Ultra was at play re: Adam Lanza. As he researched this, he changed his mind. Reasons I myself, do not believe he existed: 1. His eye color changed throughout pictures. 2. Kateleen Foy was responsible for all photo shopping of him 3. The funeral home in New Hampshire furnished the Social Security Death Index , (SSDI) with a Dec. 13th date of death of Adam (day before SH) 4. A woman who claimed that her children played with the Lanzas when they were small, said the Lanzas had a pool (which they did not) and it turned out that the woman was extremely active in gun control. 5. The yearbook pictures of “Adam” show an outdated “Peter Tork” hairstyle, with outdated button down collar shirt. It is only a guess on my part, but I say the pics could be of father Peter. 6. With so many examples of pre-knowledge of the event, not just cached, but published, (United Way, Arlington Red Devils, Newtown Bee, Ametrano video, Soto FB page, (Yes, I realize FB pages can be recycled), it is unlikely that there was an “Adam” who would neatly make his bed before shooting Mom and 26 others. 7. At 36 Yogananda, a AAA membership card, with Adam’s name on it, was registered to Ryan. The videotapes there have Ryan’s name on it. I also do not believe anyone was actually living in that house, that conveniently displayed the “Lets go shooting” card from Peter Lanza, with guns strewn here, there, everywhere, a drawer full of brand new, unworn socks of Nancy’s, toilet water so low, that the house’s water was likely shut off, lots of cars parked near the next door neighbor, Federal Reserve member, Newtown Savings Bank head, and United Way board member John Trentacosta, who I was told by a woman walking on Yogananda Street, also has a house in Providence, RI – a hub of organized crime. Yes, Adam’s name appeared on some documents, but only ones generated by the state of Ct., which was invested in pulling off the hoax, as the docs could easily have been altered, imo. His name did not appear on public records, as did the names of Ryan, Peter and Nancy. Early on, on one of the first newscasts we saw, was a Yogananda street neighbor in a baseball cap, who said that nobody he knew, even knew of the Lanzas, which he thought to be unusual. Recently, it was revealed that “Adam” never attended Western Ct. State Univ. after all. “Bystander” Victoria Munoz, who claimed to be a friend of Nancy Lanza, and had gone to Boston with her, could not even answer as to what Nancy did for a living. We then find out about Munoz’ connection to the government of Columbia, and also that she had performed her poetry at a place known as Buttonwoods in Middletown, Ct., the same place that SH parent Jimmie Green, performed Jazz at his last event before Sandy Hook happened. Another “bystander” Anne Haddad, had one of her past addresses listed as the location of a bar in Port Chester, NY, where Kaitlin Roig is pictured wearing the bar’s t-shirt. How is that a “coincidence”? I’m told Port Chester contains many in organized crime. We’ve not had a single couple come forward to say they went to dinner with the Lanzas in years past. Remember that Father Castaldo, a convicted pedophile priest. (Jeannine Pirro had helped create the sting operation) was allowed to languish at St. Rose of Lima School for years, as well. And if these Newtown children were coached to lie, it is frightening, considering the implications of the way the most innocent among us, are treated in this hellhole, “Truman Show” of a town. Revelations of a private air strip, as well as a clipboard photographed from the official records from the school saying “Tunnel Entrance” may contribute to reasons for the investigation by the FBI, of a pedophile ring stretching from Maine to Florida, with the towns of Avon, Wethersfield, and yes, Newtown currently under investigation, according to a child advocate I trust. I might note that an FBI agent not authorized to be in Sandy Hook that day, was fired from his job. Newtown also was the location of a branch of the Church of Satan, founded by Anton LaVey, and Connecticut was the state in which a woman named Linda Weigand testified to Satanic Ritual Abuse performed on her sons Jonathan and Ben, as investigated by the late Ted Gunderson, of the FBI. Please pray for truth to prevail, to get disseminated, to enlighten, and justice to replace deceit. Pray for those excoriated on FB sites, and even to the point of some people having their family picture printed, with names and addresses posted.. The vindictiveness is unprecedented, and the truth needs to set America free. ( This is a great example of the lengths our government will go to , to deceive us, and frighten us in to compliance)
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 19:13:14 +0000

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