Thought this was worth sharing!!! From another publication,,, - TopicsExpress


Thought this was worth sharing!!! From another publication,,, talking about unemployment figures given out by the fed ,,,,,,,,, A person really has to work to dope out the numbers in stories such as this. The problem is that the government contorts the numbers so much that it is almost impossible to find the truth without some insider help. For example, weekly unemployment claims have been hanging at about 350,000 per week for quite some time now. Grade school math tells us that equates to 1,400,000 people per month signing up for unemployment. At the same time the administration tells us what a great job they are doing to generate 120,000 jobs per month! Then...we found out that about 90% of all new hires since 2009 are part time! So about 10% of that 120,000 jobs, or 12,000 jobs, are actually full time work. So every month the number employed goes down by 1,280,000, adding to the roles of welfare, food stamps, etc. while we are told the economy is recovering! Anyone want to buy some beach front property in the Everglades? Then there is the unemployment rate. Back in December of 2011, at years end, they decided that to compute the unemployment rate they would no longer count those not looking for work. In one month, by doing that, the unemployment rate went down almost one full percentage point. How do they know how many quit seeking work? Just a guess made by whatever number it took to achieve the unemployment rate they wanted to announce. Now, each month they drop several hundred thousand people from the official unemployment count because they assume that many are no longer seeking work. Does it matter? Well, only to those who work to paint the most rosy picture they can by manipulating the data. So the government wants to create jobs, but they fail to acknowledge they have no money. All they have is taxpayer money, so they take it from us to generate a short term job that the Stimulus showed it cost us tax payers over $1,000,000 for every job created. Why didnt they just give each of us a check for $10,000 and we could have seen the economy soar. But then even the taxpayers could not provide that much money even if they had wanted to. Instead they borrowed and are going to let our grand children and great grand children worry about paying it back. So now our heirs are going to be paying for the 50% increase in the number of those on food stamps and welfare. Great economy huh? Now, these same politicians want to provide amnesty to 20 million illegals so that we and our heirs can provide them with free food, housing, medical care and education. Makes sense right? Since we only have about 58 million unemployed people, why not add 20,000,000 new job seekers? As long as they get to calculate numbers to obtain the result they want so they can tout how great a job they are doing most people will be too uninformed as to the real situation and will allow it to continue. If anyone can make sense of the adjusted numbers please let the rest of us know what they really are.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 11:55:59 +0000

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