Thought this was worth sharing as someone I know close to me has - TopicsExpress


Thought this was worth sharing as someone I know close to me has been going through a lot of mental I wish I can reach into his heart and fill it with all POSITIVE energy...I ask GOD to bring him peace of mind for part of him is lost... and this morning I remember reading this ... Sep 8, 2013 in Limited Thinking, Overcoming Adversities by Susan Russo Many people have been in situations for so long that they begin to believe that things will never change. And, for those of you who know me via my writing know my beliefs on this subject are; whatever you believe, you’re right! We become so accustomed to our situation or circumstances that we start to doubt that change is possible. Whether it’s your financial situation, love life, career, where you live, how you live, kids, health or whatever; we allow limited thinking to push out hope and then we replace it with doubts and fears which takeover and occupy that space in your mind, which makes a mess of your space by filling it with negativity, doom and gloom and no way out. It seeps into your everyday attitude and causes you to lower your expectations and abandon your faith. The reality is that doubts are simply fears and fears are what hold us back from truly enjoying life the way we’d like to experience it. When you’re afraid of not getting what you want or doubt that you will ever get out of a certain situation your mind becomes a place where faith and hope can’t exist. And…fear is the opposite of faith! Even though things aren’t the way you want them to be it’s time to try and suspend your disbelief. Toss aside your doubts and begin to believe in something bigger than you that can take your life from ordinary to extraordinary. But it’s important to understand that YOU HAVE TO DO YOUR PART. You have to believe that God/Allah/Your Higher Power has your back and is working behind the scenes to bring you love, wealth, health, peace, and happiness. Or, whatever it is you desire. You have to let go of your fears and doubts and stop looking at what is wrong with your life and instead look at your blessings. Focus on the gifts that you’ve been given which you probably take for granted, and BELIEVE that God or what you believe to be God will bring you out of this place. Trust. Believe. Have Faith! There’s a saying, I’ll believe it when I see it. But the reality is that you will see it when you believe it! Hope you have a great week and believe the best is yet to come! Sending you lots of love…Susan My comments: Please believe in yourself...and in your strengths... put your warrior suit on that GOD gave you...and know I am right besides you with mine on...I love you and I wish you light and love...
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 10:04:14 +0000

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